The Big Day (part 2)

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Error's POV

I stare at the meteors, trying to be as calm as possible. I am awaiting her response as  I watch the meteors dance in the cosmic backdrop. They swish left and right and perform a choreography only known by the stars. I can feel Ink speak before the sound even comes out of her mouth.

"It-It feels right." 

          She turns to me, a gigantic smile on her face, with tears running down that very same smile. "It's strange, you know? I'm happy, but yet I'm crying."  I  start to cry too, a smile on my face as well. Both, crying and smiling, we exchange a hug, only known by us. A feeling, only known by us. Her tears soak the back of my hoodie, and mine soak hers. We fall out of the hug and share a small kiss, me and Ink's cheekbones flaring up like a Christmas tree. We then look at the stars in silence as we absorb what just happened. It's really nice, just being here. The fact that Ink and I even exist at the same time is the blessing of some sort of unknown god. "I wIsH tHaT tHiS cOuLd LaSt FoReVeR." I said, referring to this wonderful feeling of care, empathy, courage, and tenderness that was emitting from this sensation in my soul. Ink pondered my words for a while before saying


"FoReVeR." I responded with a sure tone.

     And forever, it will last as long as infinity. But some infinities are larger than others. I had read that in a book once.  All infinities go on forever though and Forever is more than enough for me.  Forever goes on even when time stops. Forever still is Forever when life folds in on itself. Forever will be our belief, our faith.  

     I look back to the meteors and watch them dance, without a care in the world. Bright, glowing meteors and comets, dancing with such grace and elegance, while still looking carefree and childlike. 

"Cake?" Ink askes, breaking myself out of the spectacle of the meteors I see they are holding a slice of cake. I nod and we begin to eat, childlike and carefree. 

(( Oof this really should've been longer. I should've just posted this with the original. Anyway, I wanted to do a Halloween special. I'm not sure if ther is a way to make a poll, so I'll just make one of my own. The choices are (A) A Halloween party (B) A Ask and Answer with all characters included or (C) A trick or treating journey. To vote, make a comment on one of these choices. Votes will be counted and tallied in a week or so. Make note that these experiences created will not affect the story. 

(A) the Halloween party 

(B) The Ask and Answer

(C) The trick or treat journey

(( See you guys soon. And sorry for the mega cliffhanger.

ErrorInk (Sin free)Where stories live. Discover now