The Big Day

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(( I just wanted to say School Sucks!!! I have been trying my best to upload and have fun writing, but the world just wants to slap me in the face. Anyway, I've always wanted to make Error the edge king. But don't worry, his phase won't last too long. 

Error's POV

Deep breaths Error. You can do this. You can face him.

"HeY NiGhTmArE, cAn I tAlK tO yOu?"

I walk into the musty sewer-like room that we all house in. Nightmare is sitting on an old pipe attached to the wall, toying with a plant that is growing out of the pipe. 

"Sure. What's up?" he said. Now that I'm face to face with him I am feeling sick. I try to ease the conversation and try to make it as casual as possible. I stay silent for too long and have no idea what to say. 

"Error, you're off in space again. It's Ink, right? I needed to talk to you about them anyway." My heart pounds against my ribcage in pure fear about what he'll say next.

"We need to cut off all communication with the star sanses."

"wHaT? wHy?"

"Your getting stuck in their trap Error!! Don't you see?! They are gathering your weaknesses and are going to shoot you down with it!"

"BuT-Ink is plotting against you!! They are only doing this to manipulate you!"

"ThEy- I'M NOT GOING TO LOSE YOU TOO ERROR!! They took Cross, they took Dust, they are going to take you too! I can't lose you, man. You're the only sane one left! The group needs you!"

"No, YoU nEeD tHe GrOuP! iF yOu CaNt SuPpOrT mY cHoIcEs, WhAt Am I tO yOu?"

"Error please just listen to me!"

"NO! IM LEAVING, DON'T FOLLOW ME" I say as I feel the burn of tears rolling down my cheekbones as I leave and head to Outertale where Dream told me to go. 

As I walk to the spot I was told to go, I see a picnic blanket and Dream holding a picnic basket. She smiles, then starts to wear a worried expression. She runs up to me and askes

"Ok Everything is set, and a meteor shower is supposed to happen soon," Dream said then she looked at me and she suddenly looked very panicked

"Where were you?! And what are you wearing?" She asked frantically. 

"WeLl-" I start "Well thank the stars I brought a suit."

"WhAt? I aM nOt WeArInG tHaT!" I say as she shows me a black suit. She tried to throw it at me and I respond by nailing it to the ground with one of my attacks.

"Fine I get it, you don't want to dress up. But guess who did?"She motions in the air and I stare at Dream, confused. 

"WhAt ArE yOu DoInG?"

"Shut up Error we practiced this" As Dream makes a final swish of her hand, a bubble of black ink protrudes from the floor and pops, to reveal Ink. I can feel blush accumulating on my cheeks as I look at her. 

"hI InK." I sputter out

"Hi Error." She says back. After we say hi to each other, an awkward silence follows and I can see Dream behind motioning to the picnic basket. I get the message and try to get a conversation going.

"So, want to spread out this picnic blanket or are we going to starve?" I said sarcastically. Ink giggled and we set up the blanket on the ground and set the food around. Dream gives me a thumbs up and leaves the AU. 

"HoW mUcH dId DrEaM tElL yOu?" Was the first question I needed to ask. Even though it was pathetic of me to ask for help from that amalgamate, I still didn't want my secret being out. Ink responded, 

"She just told me that I needed to meet someone here. I didn't think it would be you." Ink said while nibbling on a piece of toast.

I picked up a sandwich and tried to take small bites, without swallowing the thing whole. I have no idea how anyone else can do it.  

"YeAh, We NeEd tO cAtCh Up. WhAtS iN InKs WoRlD lAteLy?" I ask trying to release the tension that seems to be all around us. 

"Well, Horror is still stuck in the dishwasher, though I don't think he is bothered by it." Ink said, with a hint of confusion in their voice.

"Well, I guess he likes cramped spaces? I honestly can't and don't want to know what goes through his head." I said back. Another awkard silence ensues.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Magic meteor shower happens~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

"Wow. Look at that!" Ink said, their pupils turning to stars and exclamation points. I move my attention to the beautiful scenery around us.  The meteor's tails intertwine at the bottom to make a heart. At least that's what I see. I hope I'm not imagining it. It may sound strange, but it looks like each metor or comet is representative of a person. Some intertwine and destroy each other, some float side by side in harmony, and some get stuck in a loop around a planet or problem. The same thing with all meteros is that they all lose light eventually. They all lose life. And that's why I want to make the most of my comet. The most of my life. And to me, the most of my life would be to spend it in harmony with the most beautiful, thoughtful, and caring comet, in the world. And that's when I decided to come out to Ink. 


"Yeah?" Ink said, focused on the comets and stars.

"I kNoW I CaN't HiDe It FoReVeR, sO I'm GoInG tO tElL yOu SoMeThInG tHaT yOu PrObAbLy DiDn'T kNoW aBoUt Me." I say, feeling nervous but confident at the same.

"What is it?"

"I-I HaVe FeElInGs FoR yOu InK. I hAvE aLwAyS hAd ThEm. EvErY tImE I sEe YoU, sOmEtHiNg FlArEs In mY sOuL. I say, opening up this vault of emotions to them that I have kept locked up for years, away from even myself.

"You know I can't feel, right?" Ink asked while still looking at the meteors.

" YeS bUt YoUr EmOtIoNs, ArTiFiCiAl Or NoT, aRe YoUrS. ThEy SiMuLaTe HoW yOu WoUlD fEeL iF yOu HaD nOrMaL eMoTiOnS, sO tHe ReAl QuEsTiOn HeRe Is "DoEs ThIs FeEl RiGhT tO yOu?"

(( Mwehheheh cliffhangers ☆⌒d( ᐖ )b

(( the next one will have a lesser gap than this one I swear lol

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