Wing skeleton

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Dream's POV

After the group was about to leave, Error straggles behind and tells Nightmare to go ahead without him. He walks over to me and I think oh stars, he's gonna kill me! But then he says "CaN I aSk YoU a FaVoR?" Error never talks to me or Blue unless he has to, but approaching me on his own? Strange. "Sure. What is it?" I ask with a hint of suspicion in my voice that I did not intend. "I-I nEeD yOuR hElP. It'S iNk." He can't be serious. "Are you ok? Maybe you didn't get enough sleep or something- "I jUsT nEeD yOuR hElP. yOu KnOw InK bEtTeR tHaN aNyOnE." I always teased Ink about Error, but for them to actually be together? The two get into fights all the time about the AUs, and Error still seems like a threat. But he makes Ink happy. "*Sigh* If you mess this up, you'll NEVER see the end of it. And I'm not doing this for you, I'm doing it for Ink." "ThAnK yOu DrEaM. I OwE yOu OnE." "You owe me more than one. What did you have in mind?" Error pauses for a second as if he didn't think he'd get this far. "I wAs HoPiNg YoU wOuLd KnOw WhAt tO dO. I'vE nEvEr BeEn In A rElAtIoNsHiP bEfOrE." I've never seen Error so desperate before. But, I've also always wanted to play matchmaker. "I'll tell you exactly what to do." "GoOd. AnD cAn YoU nOt MeNtIoN tHiS tO NiGhTmArE. i'm gOiNg To TeLl HiM mYsElF." "Sure. Also, you've never been in a relationship before?"  "ThAt'S wHaT hApPeNs WhEn YoU sEe ThE wOrLd ThRoUgH a BrOkEn LeNs I gUeSs." 

That's one thing in common I guess.  "Ink has never been in a relationship before either, and they also see the world in a strange way."  "HuH" I wonder what Error is thinking when suddenly he asks. "dO yOu KnOw AbOuT tHe ViAlS?" Does he know?! Ink said the only person she told about the vials was me. "Yeah. How do you know? She said that I was the only one that she told." "ShE dIdN't ExAcTlY LiE aBoUt ThAt. I FoUnD oUt." "How- I dOn'T wAnNa TaLk AbOuT iT." I wasn't expecting a story, but an answer would've been nice. " So if you know about the vials, you know she can't feel emotions right?" "YeAh, BuT InK cHoOsEs WhAt EmOtIoNs ThEy AcT oN, rIgHt?" I never expected for Error to think like that. "Huh, never thought about it that way. Anyway, you said that you needed help winning Ink over?" "YeAh I'm NoT gOoD wItH tHaT sTuFf. I'm KiNdA hOpElEsS" He really isn't himself today is he? 

"Well, the first thing you have to do is make yourself more approachable. Try expressing your emotions a bit more." I saw Error give me a confused glance while I was talking, but he said he'd work on it.  " 2. It's ok if you make nervous mistakes, but don't do it intentionally." "HmM."  "This is unrelated, but do you like any of the AUs?" Error looked as if the question took him by surprise. "I lIkE oUtErTaLe I gUeSs." Maybe I can set Ink and Error up there. "Ink likes Outertale too." "HuH. lEt Me GuEsS, yOuR pLaNnInG a DaTe AlReAdY?" How did he know? "Did I look lost in thought?" "YuP"

~~~Time skip  to after Error read the entirety of Wikihow to date~~~

"Now its time to talk about how we will set you up on a date" I state calmly. "WhAt? DoNt I NeEd MoRe TiMe?" He asked "Nope." I respond quickly. He opened his mouth but I cut him off "You said you both like Outertale?" "Yeah, I like the emptiness, Ink likes the stars." Huh, thats convenient. "It's a win-win. Ill set up something there." "WhAt?" He asked curiosly. "It's a secret," I said back. "GrEaT. I lOvE sUrPriSeS."He said sarcastically. "You'll like it I promise." I've been to Outertale many times before and I think I know what would work with the scene and landscape of Outertale. I hear Blue call me from inside. "We'll talk tomorrow." "OkAy" He then walked away, and I walked inside.

(( Sorry that it took me so long to post. With school, it has been hard to get free time, even though I love to write these stories, I will probably post less frequently.

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