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Ink's POV

And then

Black ink emerged from my eye sockets and I stood there, in astonishment. 


"Oh ShUt Up AnD hElP mE wIlL yOu?" He said smiling and crying, my new favorite emotion. An emotion we only got when we were together. For me at least.

I rush into his arms and help him up so I can hug him more, enjoying the moment. His arms wrap around me and we share a small kiss underneath the stars. His cheeks flare up and mine do too.

"WhAt WaS tHaT aLl AbOuT?" He asks me. I do not know myself, but I try to make sense of what happened.

"It might take some explaining." I then remember that he didn't come when I asked, only conveniently to save me.

"But first you have some explaining to do. Why didn't you come to Outertale earlier when I sent the letter? It only takes so long to get here." I say suspicious.

"NoTe? ... SO THAT'S WHAT HE WAS SHREDDING!" He yells suddenly. 

"Shredding?" I ask

"YeAh, ThAt MuSt'Ve BeEn WhAt He WaS hIdEiNg. I hEaRd ThE dOoRbElL, bUt NiGhTmArE wAs ThErE fIrSt. He SaId It WaS fRoM DReAm, So I dId'Nt QuEsTiOn It. He ThEn SeT oUt To OuTeRtAlE"

So that's why. Huh.

"Anyway, what I can't remember much. I was sad and then Nightmare came. He said something about taking you away from him. He then hit me and that was when I took a nap. When I woke up I had lost control. I tried to move my body, but it would only work for a short while and even then the thing was able to take full control when you came."

"oH." was all Error said. He stared at the ground for a while.

"I sHoUlD'vE bEeN tHeRe FoR yOu InK. I'm A tErRiBlE bOyFrIeNd. I sHoUlD'vE kNoWn He WaS uP tO nO gOoD."


"Oh! Um. All's well that ends well I guess." I say.

"HeH." Was all I got from Error. Another silence befell us as we searched for something to say.

"Nightmare is probably watching or was watching us. Do you want to go home? Or you can come over if you'd like. You look pretty hurt, we can get you some bandages or something." I say suddenly. He looked like I had just sent him an amen. 

"YeAh, SoMe BaNdAgEs WoUlD bE nIcE. I dOn'T rEaLlY wAnT tO Go BaCk To BaSE. ThAnKs, InK, I'd Be A dEaD mAn WiThOuT yOu."

"No problem. You look a little worn out though. Need any help teleporting?" I ask.

"YeAh. ThAnKs AgAiN InK."

"No need. C'mon, you might faint if we don't get you patched up soon."

~~~~~~~~Magical healing session~~~~~~~~~~

Error's POV

I don't remember much after I fought Ink. Or whatever that thing was. I might've lost too much blood to remember. They helped me teleport to their base and then bandaged my injuries.

"Feeling any better? You're sorta blacking out on me. Don't want you to crash." I hear a blurred voice say. I focus my vision and see Ink. 

"Oh YeAh. I'm FiNe. JuSt A fEw ScRaTcHeS. I'Ll Be FiNe." I answer, even though the pain is immeasurable. 

"Error. You were dying. You are still bleeding through your bandages. No need to act tough, I know you're tough but you can still get hurt. Now drink some tea before you lose consciousness." 

I do as she says and takes the cup that she handed to me.  The tea tasted terrible but I swallowed it and felt like vomiting afterward. 

"WhAt WaS iN tHaT tEa?" I ask, kinda disturbed at the terrible taste.

"Just some herbs from the garden. Frisk recommended it. It tastes terrible, but she said it will numb the pain a bit." 

"WhAt HeRbS dId YoU uSe?" I ask with suspicion. I never trusted leaves to cure illness. Might as well be eating dirt while I'm at it.

"I dunno honestly. She never specified what herbs, so I just threw all of them in. Mint, I think one was called. I'm not sure though. I guess they are a human thing." They said.

"InK iF i DiE tOmOrRoW, yOuR dIgGiNg ThE gRaVe." I say sarcastically.

"I'll find the shovel."

And then we both giggled like little schoolchildren. Back in our Golden Days. Our innocence. Our youth. Our peace. 

(( I am aware that most of this are not Canon, I just thought it would be cute to have child Error and Ink.

Noone's POV

Our Golden Days

"HeHeHeHe! ShE'lL nEvEr FiNd Me HeRe!" Error was hiding behind a rock in Outertale. 

"28....29....30! Ready or not here I come!" Ink yelled as they looked around in search of Error. She walked around a maze of stones and planets.  She saw Error behind a rock and popped out of the blue.

"Boo! Haha! It's your turn now Error!"

"oK! bUt YoU'D bEtTeR rUn FaSt! I cAn FiNd YoU eAsIlY!"

"Sure Error. We'll see about that!"

The children wandered around AU's, without knowing what they were, or who lived there. Error thought that the AU's were playgrounds, with their twisty roads and playscapes made of rocks and pines. Ink thought the AU's were like a small world that they could paint on and make more beautiful. Either way, they both enjoyed the AU's and thought of them as their home. Error had found Ink abandoned in a disastrous white void. He thought there was nobody like himself. His closest friends were the little dolls he made. 

"BoO! hEhE! I tOlD yOu I'd FiNd YoU!"

The children were innocent and caring, the embodiment of childhood bliss. But, of course, good things will move away from us, no matter how much we try to hold on to it. It slips through our fingers and leaves us to start another child up with hope. They leave us with tattered memories and damaged hope that it will come back for us, that we can feel pure again. And sometimes, it does.

"Aww man. I thought this was a good spot. Let's try another round. This time I won't lose!"

And those times, that our childhood happiness comes back,

"oK! bUt I'lL bE gIvInG mY aLl ToO!"

It's when we least expect it. When we find the person that gives us our happiness, our childlike frolicking of flowers,

"I won't lose!"

That's when you know that they are the one


The one you will love until the end of time.

"I'll be counting the seconds"

Until you see them again.

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