The Confrontation

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Ink's POV

Last night went by in a flash of nausea, care, compassion, and feelings. I could hardly believe that it wasn't a dream when I woke up in the morning. I walked down to Dream and asked, 

"Did-Was I at Outertale last night?" I asked,  trying to find an answer without sounding stupid. Instead, what I got was a squeeze and a hug. I'm not complaining though, Error helped me find my feelings, and Dream helped prove it was real. She wouldn't let  me go when I asked 

"Dream. Did you know about this?"

 I asked while being crushed to death by her hug.

"Maybe? Ok, I helped Error set it up." She said

"What? He asked you to help him?"I asked curiously. Usually, the only reason he interacts with Blue or Dream is when he is fighting them, or is forced to talk to them. 

"He said he was going to confront Nightmare about it, but I think he was too scared to talk to him. I don't blame him honestly." Dream added. I make up my mind and decide to go meet Error. 

"I'll be right back. Save some breakfast for me, will you?" I say as I write a quick note to Error on a small piece of paper. 

    Dear Error,

       Meet me at Outertale. I want to talk to you. Hope to see you there.

          Yours, Ink

I walk out of the house and try to find the gang's hideout. It was pretty easy to find, the trail of rat bones led right to it. Horror's food I suppose. I slip the note under the door and ring the doorbell. I then teleport to Outertale and begin to sketch as I wait. 

Error's POV

Morning already? 5 more minutes!

I said 5 more!

I wake up to the sound of a doorbell

"Someone get the door!" Dust yells from the couch. 

"oK oK sHuT iT!" I yell angerly as I get up. When I go to the door, I see Nightmare already there. I see him infuriated like he wants to kill something for the 47th time this week. 

"WhOsE iT fOr?" I ask groggily

"Just a letter from Dream. She doesn't know when to shut up." He said with gritted teeth. That's weird. He usually is in a decent mood when Dream sends him letters.

"I tHoUgHt We WeRe SuPpOsEd To CuT oFf CoMmUnIcAtIoNs?" I ask, relatively annoyed that he was even more of a hypocrite than normal. 

"And we are. That's why this stuff needs to be SHATTERED!" He yelled as he tore the paper to shreds angerly. Killer and Dust looked over from the couch and stared at me like I had done something wrong. I mouthed "what did I do?" To them and they just looked at each other and back to me with looks of rage and a bit of sympathy from Dust. I still don't know what I did. Instead of pondering over that, I wonder what kind of letter Dream could write on just a small scrap of paper. Nightmare then calmed down a bit and said through an annoyed face "I'm going to Outertale." 

         Weird, Nightmare doesn't like Outertale more than any other AU. He has never gone to, or even show any interest in Outertale whatsoever.  But I was too tired to care, and he always would tell the gang before he did a big heist or something.

Ink's POV

Why isn't he coming? 

Was it just a cruel prank set up by him?

But it felt so real

Was it just for show? Did he just want to manipulate me and shoot me down with this later?

Maybe he just wanted to see if he could impress Nightmare

Why isn't he coming? 

It's been hours, it only takes a few minutes to get here

The cold rocky and bumpy stone planet seemed more cold and lonely than every other time I had come here. I had already taken my vials, so I cant feel numb anymore. This was the first time I had wanted to feel numb forever. My thoughts swarm with all the reasons he did not come until I feel a tear on my cheek. I had never cried before. It just made me feel worse. I feel sick to my stomach as if someone just punched me and left the open wound to rot in the wind. Or am I just sick in the head? I lay there, crying, and just wanting to feel nothing. Then, through the sound of my own tears, I hear a static-like noise. He came! I run over to them

"Error! You came! Where were you?"

I look up, expecting to see Error's caring and glitched face, his soothing voice, and his sweet words. Instead, I see Nightmare!

"Wh-Whats going on?" I ask him, sounding a bit like a child.

"Ressurection. I WON'T LET YOU STEAL ANOTHER!" He yelled as I feel a sharp pain in my side. I look down to see his tentacles through my body. The ink gushed out of my body. He must've done something to Error. I won't go down without a fight. I hold my side and shoot multiple bones at him. They glow as they pass my eyes and pierce the goopy flesh of Nightmare. He looked furious. If looks could kill, I'd be  12 feet down. He sends a flurry of tentacles at me, one stabbing me close to my soul. I won't last much longer without Dream's arrows. My negative emotions are only making him stronger. I deliver another wave of bones, and he gets hit by most of them. The black goop that has surrounded the battleground looks like a void to a black hole. I can see that we both won't last another hit. Gulp, here we go. Tame the loin Ink. 

"We both won't live another hit! Let's stop this. Why are you even attacking me?"

"HA! You humor me. I can last much longer than you in battle. And don't play dumb, you know exactly what you're doing. And if you don't YOU WILL NOW!"He responded. I brace myself for the hit I'm sure is to come. And it does. The pain is immeasurable, like forcing a cup of salt into a wound and letting it sit for the night. My vision fades to black as I see Nightmare walk away. I can rest for a bit. 

A little sleep won't hurt

(( Mwehehe cliffhangers again (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
(( I'll work on the Halloween thing soon after I get an idea or some asks cause I honestly don't know what to do (☍﹏⁰) 

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