The Surprise part 1

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Inks POV

While Dream was yelling at Nightmare, My eyes focus on the glitches around Error's eyesockets. They cloud the barely visible red that's left in his eyes. What if he never wakes up? Worries flood my mind of all the things that might happen to Error, and I couldn't hear Nightmare talking anymore. I got snapped back into reality by Blue who asked "Ink, are you ok? You look worried. But not to fear! The Magnificent Sans will give you a friendship hug to help you feel better!!" Blues arms wrap around me and I hug back. "Thanks, Blue. I needed that."I turn my head to Nightmare and ask him"When is Error going to get better?" He responds "Soon. His little crashes only last about an hour, so probably any minute now." I hear an ear-piercing windows startup noise. "Told you." Nightmare says. Error rubs his skull and sits up. "WhErE aM I?" he asks. Dust replies with "The Star Sanses place." "WhY tHoUgH?" I but into their conversation and say "You crashed, And I didn't know what to do, so I went here and Dream called Nightmare since he would know what to do." "Oh. tHaNkS, I gUeSs?" I say "No problem." An awkward silence follows and I look over in Blue's direction to see them looking extremely uncomfortable with the silence. Suddenly she spurts out "Does anybody want tacos?"Everyone raises their hand, except for Horror. "Already ate." He says. Nobody questions him, because they probably don't want to know what sort of animal he ate. "Ok, so that's 7 tacos. I'll go make them." Blue than skurried off to the kitchen. I look around the room, Dust is in a bean bag,  alone after Blue went to the kitchen, Killer is in a corner playing with his knife, Horror is sitting in the dishwasher, Dream was sitting in a beanbag with Cross, and Nightmare was sitting in a beanbag, glaring at Cross. I don't know if he's mad at Cross for dating his sister, or for leaving the group. Maybe both.  Error sits up a bit more and leans against the side of the couch. Blue comes back into the room with tacos and hands them out. A couple "thank you"s are shared while Blue passes the tacos out. Suddenly I realize that   I'm the only one sitting on the floor, and I look around for an empty seat. The only empty seat is next to Error. I stand up and sit on the far end of the couch. Dream chuckles a little bit and asks  "Who wants to watch a movie?" I know she just wants me to do that thing couples do when they watch movies, but no one else notices, so everyone agrees.  

Blue: "Can we watch a comedy? Those are my favorites."

Dream: "No, those are no fun. What about romance?"

Nightmare: "No way! Those movies are so weird. Let's watch a thriller."

Error: "Those are all crappy suggestions. Let's watch a horror movie"

Horror:"  Thanks for the compliment."

Error"Does that joke ever get old to you?"

Horror: "Nope"

In the end, we decided to watch a horror movie that is supposed to be a game of some kind to the killer. People are lured into a strange place and forced to test their morality and smarts to see who will survive the place. When I see the killer I jump a bit and squeal, along with Blue. When everyone has focused on the movie again, I move a bit closer to Error. I don't think he noticed.  I continue inching closer to him every other minute until I'm up against his side. He flinches a little but doesn't say anything. After a minute or so he puts his arm around me and I feel my face explode with a rainbow blush. I look back at him and he has that golden yellow blush on his face as he stares at the TV. I look back to the tv and contemplate what just happened. He put his arm around me! And he blushed! Why did I blush!? I push away these thoughts and try to focus on the movie. I see a gruesome scene and close my eyes, shaking.

Error POV

I woke up in the Star Sanses hideout after crashing.  I thank Ink for bringing me there and everything goes silent. I see Ink glance over to Blue, who looks uncomfortable. Then out of nowhere, Blue asks "Anyone want tacos?" I, with everyone else, raise their hand. The only one who did not raise their hand was Horror. He normally never eats normal food, so this wasn't a surprise to the members of the gang, but Blue, Dream, and Ink's faces change as he says "I already ate" Knowing him, he probably ate some rats or some other animal and then saved the rest in a fridge or something. Blue goes to the kitchen to make tacos and I look around the room to Nightmare. I've been concerned about him. he never talks much anymore, and he never wants to do anything except hang out near his stump. He never told me the story of why he liked that stump, but after a while, I asked Dream, and they turned their head and didn't answer. I gave up trying to understand some time ago. I see him giving a death glare to Cross. I bet it's 'cause he dropped out of the group so Dream would like him. Nightmare never really trusted Cross at all, but I can't imagine how mad he must be when he hangs out with his sister. After a bit more silence, Blue comes back and gives everyone their tacos. I eat mine in one bite, like most foods, yet Dust always looks at me like I'm crazy, even though he knows that's how I eat. Dream askes if anyone wants to watch a movie, and we watch a horror movie. I look at Dream, because I know just what she is planning, but I go along with it, because she is sorta being my wing skeleton in a way. We put in a movie and turn off the lights. A scene comes on with a jumpscare, and Ink squeaks at the noise. So cute. After a few scenes, everyone is invested in the movie, and suddenly Ink is next to me. Did she move while I wasn't looking? I've been hiding this for too long It's time to make a move. I say to myself. I push away my haphephobia, and put my arm around her. I keep my eyes locked on the TV screen so I don't have to look her in the eyes. We watch the movie for a while like this. A gruesome scene comes on and Ink starts to shake. I pat her on the head and she nuzzles up to my hand. I can feel myself glitching more. Not too bad, though, so I don't think I'll crash. Hopefully. 

(( that was a long chapter, but I hope to make more chapters longer and about the length of this one 

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