The Surprise part 2

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Error's POV

We watched the movie for a while. It felt nice, being cuddled up with Ink. Killer glanced at us for a second, snickered, and I put a finger to my mouth to tell him to be quiet. He snickered again and nodded. As the movie continued, I felt Ink fall asleep on me. I panicked for a moment, but when I looked at her, sleeping in my arms, my worries melted away. I watch the movie for a bit more and feel tired. The movie still has an hour to it, and a little nap wouldn't last too long. I feel myself fall asleep, leaning my head on Ink's. 

~ Magical time skip to the end of the movie ~

Dream's POV

Cross has fallen asleep on my lap as we were watching the movie. I pet the fluffy oreo as the credits start to roll. I look around and signal for Blue to put the lights on. She gets up and flicks the light switch near them. The room is illuminated and I look around. Killer is still in his corner, giggling to himself. I don't want to know what he's giggling about. Noot is on a beanbag, squinting so his eyes can get used to the light. Dust is asleep on a beanbag. Horror is still hiding in the dishwasher. And Ink is- Oh my STARS! "Pfft" Ink is asleep in Error's arms and Error is asleep also. "Looks like we got a new pair of lovebirds." I cover my mouth to hide the laughter that is about to explode out of it.  Killer said, "You know what we should do?" "What?" Blue responds. "Prank 'em. I saw them while watching the movie and he told me to keep quiet, but I still think we should prank them." A devious grin appears on Nightmare's face. This isn't going to end well. "We should dump them in a river and see who survives." "That's a terrible idea!" Blue says. Killer buts in with his brilliant idea "I was thinking that we should put them both in the guest bedroom, and see their confusion when they wake up. Like, put a camera or something there so we can record it too." Nobody talks. "HELL YEAH!" Nightmare yells. It is a good prank, but I don't know if its a good idea. Before I can speak against it, Blue has picked up Ink and tells me to pick up Error. "This isn't going to end well," I say as I pick up the sleeping Error. Part of me wants to tell them to stop, and the other part wants to see how this will end. Killer is already setting a video camera on the rim of the closet.  I put Error down on the bed and left the room. I felt guilty doing this, but it's just a prank. I dunno, it just feels like not the right thing to do. Once the prank has been set up, we all meet up downstairs again. Killer: "Well its all set. Can't wait to see their faces when they wake up." Blue: "Why don't you come over in the morning to see the recording?" There goes any hope of a normal tomorrow. Dream: "Can you not destroy the house this time?" Nightmare: "No promises." They left, and I and Blue walk to our beds.

~ Magical time skip to the morning~

Error's POV

I wake up staring at a bedside table. This is weird. Why am I in a bedroom? I get up and see Ink next to me. "AHHHHH! WTH!" I scream Ink bolts up and looks around and meets my eyes "AHHHHHH!" "AHHHHHHH" "HoW DiD i GeT hErE?!" "I WAS WONDERING THE SAME THING!" I hear running outside the door and Dream bursts in laughing like a maniac.


Error: "YoU dId ThIs YoU lItTle ShIt!!"


Dream was gasping for breath as she explained that Killer was who set this up AND they had a damn camera!!! I swear to god I'm gonna kill Killer! I storm to the door to try to find killer, but the gang is already there. "VeRy FuNnY gUyS." I say through gritted teeth. Killer responded back with "It was an opportunity and when I see an opportunity, I take it." The anger boiled up inside of me and I tackled him. " I sWeAr tO gOd YoU wOn'T sEe AnOtHeR dAy!" Nightmare pulled me off of Killer and said. "It was just a prank, no need to get your stings in a knot." "WaS tHaT a PuN?"  "More or less." 

(( sorry it took me a while to post, I had writer's block and couldn't think of a way to put my ideas into words. :P

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