Book 6/6th year
With the threat of Lucius still looming, Bella reeling from the loss of her child, Lily and Starla's relationship on the rocks, and Kirsty driving a wedge between Sophia and Arron, there's only one this to do...
Have a wed...
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The next morning was chaotic. All the girls were in Bella's room getting hair and make up done. James, Albus, Scorp, Jason and Arron were all in a different room. People were running around everywhere, many had stayed the night before, like Arron's family. So his sisters were running around in little dresses causing havoc. There were Weasleys everywhere, touching up this, fixing that.
Bella day at her vanity mirror while Lily did her make up. Starla was doing her hair at the same time and the two kept getting in each other's way. This caused lots of huffing and sighing. After Starla asked if they could swap sides so she could get the other side of her hair and Lily refused, Bella had had enough. She stood up abruptly and walked away from them towards the window. Her window looked out onto the garden where people were setting up last minute things.
Her dad was there and he caught her eye. She smiled at him and turned back to the group of girls in her room. Sophia and Kirsty were still not speaking and Lucy was moping about her mother being a Death Eater. "You all should be ashamed of yourselves." They all looked at her, some in confusion, others in remorse. "This is my wedding day. It's supposed to be a happy, joyous occasion. Instead I'm only getting married so I can't be forced to marry another, my fiancé is becoming bound to me in an awful way just so the enemy can't kill him, my best friends are fighting and miserable and I have to see a therapist because my mother isn't here!"
"I'm sorry." Lily whispered.
"That's not enough. Can't we just forget about all the bad stuff. For one day. The Manor is protected, no one knows this is happening. Can't we just smile?" Starla weakly smiled and Roxana took Bella's hand.
"Bella is right," she said, "I didn't know what kind of shit went on in your lives. I heard rumours and whisperings that you were all the devil incarnate. But you're not, you've all been through so much, just enjoy today because you can."
The other piped up and Kirsty turned to Sophia. "I'm sorry," she began. "I should never have come after your man."
Starla apologised to Lily for the hundredth time that summer, and finally Lily accepted it. Nothing was the way it was before, but it was a start, they were trying, for Bella.