I have a ring

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By the time the 7th of December rolls around no one is disastrously single.

Bella has James.
Lily has Starla.
Sophia has Arron.
Scorp has Albus.
Roxanna has snagged herself a cute Hufflepuff boy named Jack.
Lucy has begun dating a 7th year Gryffindor named Daniel.
And even Kirsty has found a reason to get over her Arron crush. That reason goes by the name of Christopher.

So of course. What else would our Queen of games do. But hold a party for her birthday.

Upon the night of her seventeenth birthday her husband was permitted a visit. Although McGonagall was completely unaware he was still here.

Or that the large groups of couples were currently gathered in the room of requirement.

Which lead to games. Lots of games. Particularly couple games. In which the only team member you played with was your significant other.

This lead to some interesting events. Including but not limited to:

• Starla discovering she does not know the type of music Lily listens to.
• James discovering that Bella secretly wishes her engagement ring had a diamond in it. (Not that she doesn't love the snake)
• Sophia getting shitfaced drunk and forgetting how many siblings Arron has. (He has lots okay!?)
• Bella showing off an extensive knowledge of midwifery and childbirth (because she's totally been reading up on it since James left)
• Christopher finding out about Kirsty's little crush on Arron and the madness that ensued. (He was fine with it)
• Arron showing off his talent in naming all of Sophia's childhood and current pets, with names and breeds (she's had 15)
• Starla redeeming herself by naming all of Lily's cousins (all of them)
• Roxanna listing all Jack's favourite books completely wrong (they've only known each other a month, leave her alone) Jack found her attempt funny.
• Lucy successfully knowing all the instruments Daniel played.

"Shall we play truth or dare?" Sophia asked, slightly tipsy from the fire whiskey they had smuggled in. She was sitting on the floor nestled between Arron's legs who was also on the floor. She leaned further back into him and almost nocked them both over. He steadied her with a hand on her hip.

Bella's eyes flicked to Kirsty and there was no sign of jealousy like she was suspecting, she wasn't even looking at them. Instead Kirsty was gazing at Christopher, completely enamoured with the boy before her.

"I think truth or dare is a great idea." James replied when no one else did. The two sat in a similar position to Sophia and Arron only they were on a sofa instead of the floor.

"I'll go first!" Bella said, "someone ask me."

"Truth or dare?" Lily asked from across the circle. Starla was asleep, her head resting on Lily's knees.


Everyone thought about what to ask for a few seconds before Christopher came up with and idea.

"What is the biggest promise you have made?" He asked, completely unaware of why the majority of the room were looking at him weirdly. "What? Is it bad?"

"It's not bad per se, just possibly a little extreme." Bella laughed, "it's okay, I'm not ashamed, I first got the idea from my "cousin" and his wife, Teddy and Victoire," she threw up air quotes when she said cousin. "They made an unbreakable vow at their wedding to stay together through good and bad. Everyone thought it was really risky since they were so young but it's been over 3 years now and they have this beautiful baby girl named Dora. Anyway I'm straying from my point." She giggled a little and felt a kiss on her hair from James. "So basically my grandfather wants me to marry the son of Voldemort because why not, I guess but I kinda didn't want to do that so..." she paused and caught the expression on the faces of the people who hadn't been at her wedding, they were all completely fascinated with her story. "At our wedding this summer James and I made an unbreakable vow, if one died so would the other. That way if my grandfather kills James to end our marriage and attempt to marry me off, I have to kill myself before that happens."

"Wow!" Christopher exclaimed, his eyes wide, "that's true love right there."

"It also means," James continued, "that when we grow old together and one dies of old age the other won't be alone."

"James is very optimistic about us having a long life together."

"As I should be."

The room turned quiet after that until Bella restarted the game. "Roxanna truth or dare?"

"Dare." Roxanna replied, a mischievous glint in her eye.

"I dare you... hmm oh!" Bella pulls out her wand from her pocket. "Accio popcorn." Suddenly a bowl of popcorn flew into the room of requirement and straight into Bella's hands. "I dare you to balance this bowl on your head and basically be a table for the rest of the night."

Everyone burst out laughing. Waking poor Starla from where she slept. Roxanna complied and held the bowl atop her head for the remainder of the game.

Said game continued for quite some time until they decided they should maybe wrap it up. They had sort of condemned James at the beginning of the evening but making him the "designated driver" so to speak.

They got him to agree to apparate them to their dorm rooms directly. Scandalous I know.

And that he did. He took the Slytherin girls back first, then Arron desperately since he couldn't go in the girls dorms. Then the Gryffindor girls, then Jack to Hufflepuff and Daniel and Christopher to Gryffindor.

Finally he apparated himself back to the Slytherin girls dorms, bypassing the charm on the stairs by appearing straight into their room. Much to his baby sisters chagrin. "Did you have to come back, we could have been indecent!" She threw her slipper at him and stomped her way to the bathroom, presumably to become indecent in private.

James smiles apologetically to the other girls, Roxanna, who had been moved into their dorm, Kirsty and Sophia all return the smile.

He eventually went to his wife's side. "Goodbye," Bella wrapped her arms around his neck, stretching up on her toes. In response his arms snaked around her waist to pull her to him.

"Do you really have to go??" She pouted.

"Yes, you know I do, I'm not a student here anymore." Bella deepened her pout and he kissed it. "I'll see you in three weeks for Christmas."

"I miss you,"

"I know you do, but just think by the time you see me again I may have had time to find a ring."

"I have a ring."

"I know, but perhaps one with a diamond...." Bella began to smile. "Maybe go-" Bella slowly shook her head, "silver, several carats I would say."

"It better be a big diamond." She giggled before kissing him again.

Lily had returned from the bathroom in her pyjamas and groaned at the sight. Bella giggled again.

"Sorry Lils," she turned her attention back to James, "if you have to go... goodbye." She kissed him once more before he pulled back and apparated away.

"Goodnight girls," Bella said to the room and a chorus of replies came from around the room.

And one final reply from her best friend and sister in law.

"Happy birthday."

Has anyone listened to Taylor Swift's new album folklore? I am in love with every single song. I'm kind of glad I didn't write James and Bella's first dance because I really want invisible string to be their song. That could be in a future chapter as like a flashback or a dream. Would you guys want to read about that? It's such a beautiful song. I have added a clip of it. It's not a very first dance-y song as it's very specific to Taylor's relationship with Joe Alwyn but it's still really beautiful.

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