Book 6/6th year
With the threat of Lucius still looming, Bella reeling from the loss of her child, Lily and Starla's relationship on the rocks, and Kirsty driving a wedge between Sophia and Arron, there's only one this to do...
Have a wed...
(So this is the first chapter of the mini chapters for this book. And they are all going to be FaceTimes with people. All Bella calling people and I have a feeling the majority are going to be James but she may call others like her Aunts and such.)
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Hi babe, why are you wearing so many blankets?
Did your dad not tell you? Ice storm hit the castle pretty bad. Is it like that with you?
No, it's been snowing and some of the girls say it's not normal for this time of year but.. no ice storms. Are you okay?
Yeah, the worst of it is over now. We did have to stay in other dorms on the first two nights, then everyone was in the Great Hall last night and the night before. But it's alright now. They managed to find a way to heat up the whole building.
But you still need blankets?
I wish I was there to hold you.
I would never be cold if you were here.
*gaging noises from elsewhere in the room*
Shut up Lily!
Is that my sister making those noises?
Yes. She won't shut up. It's highly annoying.
Can I speak to her?
I don't see why you would want to. But fine. Lillianna Luna Potter, you brother wishes to speak with you.
Lillianna? That isn't- you know what? Never mind.
She doesn't want to speak to you.
I guess I'll just have to speak to her another day. Shame I was going to tell her- never mind, I'll speak to her another day.
Tell me what?!
Another day, you obviously don't want to speak with me, so I don't want to speak to you.
I hate to break up this family reunion, but your "five" was actually half an hour and it's now nine. That means dad is going to be up any minute.
I will just have to call earlier next time. I'll go, I wouldn't want to get you in trouble with fatherdearest.
Bye my love.
Goodbye. BYE LILY!
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