I miss you already

139 4 0

1st of September 2024

The platform was cold. Colder than Bella had remembered, but at this particular moment in time she couldn't care less about the cold. She didn't feel it. She had her husbands coat around her arms. And her face buried in the crook of his neck. The precariously placed coat was slipping off her shoulders as her arms clung to the owner of said coat. She'd have to give it back. Not yet.

Lily, however, felt the cold. With only her own coat to wear and no one to hold she stood awkwardly beside her mother as she said goodbye to her brother. Her father was gone already. Setting up for the new students, as was her best friends father. She had no one. She debated going to speak to Starla, they'd sort of spoken but nothing of substance. She hadn't quite forgiven her. Not yet.

Lucy and Kirsty also did not feel the cold. They were already on the train. Sitting in a compartment, coats firmly pulled around them. It was going to be a cold September. They spoke, laughed, joked. Until one spoke of a love they'd been harbouring. A certain best friends boyfriend was plaguing her mind. The other advised them to forget it, don't cause trouble. She would listen however. Not yet.

"I'm going to miss you Bella." James whispered into her hair. "I love you."

"Please be careful." She pulled out of his neck to look at him properly, and the coat slipped of her shoulders, only not hitting the ground as it was trapped behind her neck and his arms. "I don't want to loose you."

"You won't my love, it's a muggle university, and I'll only be one appriration away." He replied, touching the tip of her cold nose with his. "I'll be safe. The worst that could happen is I get hit on by some training midwives." Bella was not please at this comment. She jerked her head back with a scowl and he kissed her forehead. "I'm joking babe, I only have eyes for my wife." She giggled and he tilted his head. "What?"

"Say it again."

"Say what?" She only smiled. "Okay, wife."

"Again?" She pleaded as the last call whistle went for students to board the train. "One more before I have to go?"

"I will see you faster than you know," he paused and she pouted. "Wife." At that her smile grew and she kissed him once before running to get onto the train. She stayed at the window in the door long after the doors shut. She stayed there until the train began to pull away. And as it did his lips moved and she caught what we mouthed to her. "I miss you already."

"I miss you more." She replied to no one. She stayed standing there for a few minutes logger before turning to find her friends. She came across Lucy, kirsty and Starla in one compartment. "You know where Lily is?"

Kirsty replied, "yeah she's with Arron and Sophia, a few compartments down."

"And you guys aren't?" Bella probed, stepping into the compartment to avail first years running up and down the aisle.

"Starla still isn't Lily's favourite person, and Sophia doesn't trust me." Kirsty continued, pulling a nail file out of her coat pocket. Now Bella could feel the cold chill coming from outside. She was glad of her own coat but wasn't sure where James' had ended up.

"You did try to steal her boyfriend." Lucy said, earning a glare from her blonde friend. "Never mind."

"I'm gonna go find them. I'll see you guys later." She eventually did find them and sat with them before they decided to change. Unlike last year when it had been unseasonably warm for the time of year, it was now unseasonably cold. So they all changed completely into their uniforms and put on layers beneath their shirts as skirts, like thermal tights and strapped shirts.

Dinner was somewhat pleasant. Boring as per. But halfway through the sorting a little boy got called. He was short. Brown hair, undistinguishable eye colour and a hunched back. He walked with his eyes down, not looking at anyone. Bella felt sorry for him. Call it motherly hormones or whatnot but she just wanted to give this child a hug.

He trudged his way to the stool, sat down and the hat was put on his head.


The cheers of Slytherin patrons filled the room and be silently made his way to the green and silver table. Bella scowled when she realised she didn't know his name. And suddenly she was filled with an idea.

"Come I'm dad it's a good idea." She pleaded three hours later. She'd been there for half an hour. 

"I just don't think you should be drawing attention to yourself." Her father was sat at his desk in his office working the Slytherin dungeons.

"So say it's your idea, look all I want is to make the first years feel included, and like they are actually a part of this school." Draco began o speak but she shushed him. "They are a part in name but in spirit they aren't." She continued.

"Fine, I'll speak to Headmistress McGonagall tomorrow morning. I'm not promising anything but I'll try." She tan and hugged him.

"Thanks dad, you won't regret it."

"I better not. Now go to bed, it's already after curfew."

"Goodnight dad."

"Goodnight dear."

She went to sleep happy that night. She was on her way to redeeming herself. Now all she needed to do was get everyone else on board.

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