James' POV
Nothing could have prepared me for this day. Nothing could have made me happier.
Standing at the end of an aisle, suited and tied, my brother by my side and my family and friends all watching. I stand with my back to them now, all I can see is my brothers stupid grin. The music starts and I hear the back doors of the manor opening. One by one my groomsmen join Albus beside me after dropping the bridesmaids. I see Albus' grin grow when who I assume is Scorp comes, them once again just before Lily joins us. Then comes the sound of everyone standing up.
Albus sucks in a breath and looks at me. "Gorgeous." he mouths. I straighten my back more, trying t resist the urge to turn around, I just want to see her. I don't have to wait long as she steps up beside me.
I told myself I wouldn't cry, I guess I was wrong.
I shake Draco's hand and he nods to me. Bella hands her bouquet to Lily and removes her veil from her face. "You look stunning."
"I can tell." She giggles. I hold out my hand and she places hers on top. I give it a squeeze before she turn together towards the officiator, he motions for everyone to sit down.
Narrator's POV (Normal is the minister, italics is Bella, Bold is James.)
"Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to join these two in holy matrimony. Life begins with love, when two love they make life. And that life then finds it's own love to give and receive. Miss Bella Malfoy and Mr James Potter are lucky enough to have found this love so early in their lives. They get to share the love that God has bestowed on them longer that most. Love is a gift one can share and receive.
Miss Bella Narcissa Malfoy, if you would like to share your vows."
"I used to think I would marry someone when I was thirty, I wanted to go to Hogwarts, then to muggle university and build my career before I settled down and got married. All that changed when I met you, I know now that I can still build my career , but I can do it with you by my side. I love you for that. I love you because I know that whatever I hope to do you will support me in that. You protect me, you love me, and you respect me. And that is all I want in a life partner. I know that it will be a long one, for both of us."
"Mr James Sirius Potter, if you would like to share you vows."
"Bella, you are the love of my life. I did some horrible things, but you forgave them, you understood them and you loved me anyway. To me that is what love it, its innocent and kind, its broken and dark, its forgiveness and beauty. If you can love someone after they hurt you then you can do anything. Love makes you stronger and weaker at the same time. You make me stronger and weaker. But that weakness I feel you make up for with your own strength, and the weakness you feel I make up for. We work together, we balance each other out and she save each other. No matter what. And I promise that we will continue to do so forever."
"Those were lovely, both of you. Now the rings, Miss Malfoy please repeat after me. I Bella Narcissa Malfoy Give you this ring..."
"I Bella Narcissa Malfoy give you this ring..."
"As a token of my love and devotions towards you."
"As a token of my love and devotions towards you."
"Mr Potter, please repeat after me. I James Sirius Potter give you this ring..."
"I James Sirius Potter give you this ring..."
"As a token of my love and devotions towards you."
"As a token of my love and devotions towards you."
"Do you Bella Narcissa Malfoy take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, to love and to cherish, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in heath, for as long as you both shall live?"
"I do."
Do you James Sirius Potter take this woman to be our lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, to love and to cherish, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live."
"I do."
"Now for the unbreakable vow. Could I have to ribbon please? Thank you. Once you make this vow you may never break it, you may never stray from it, and you must never try to erase it. Are you sure?"
"I am."
"I am
"Very well then, Will you Bella and James Potter protect each other with your lives?"
"We will."
"Will you do everything in your power to ensure the life of the other?"
"We will."
"And should one pass will you give your life to be reunited, until the danger has passed?"
"We will."
"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you my kiss the bride."
One kiss later and they face their family as a married couple

Mrs Potter-Malfoy {ON HOLD}
FanfictionBook 6/6th year {ON HOLD} With the threat of Lucius still looming, Bella reeling from the loss of her child, Lily and Starla's relationship on the rocks, and Kirsty driving a wedge between Sophia and Arron, there's only one this to do... Have a wed...