9 Faith pt 4

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jimin's pov

I woke up finding jungkook sitting next to my bed,  asleep. holding my hand so tight, close to him, like he's life depends on it.

I sat up, trying to ignore the pain and I eventually did it. went I go blank, staring at the ceiling. I jumped when he heard his door cracked open loudly.

and I immediately start pulling jungkook's hand, wanting to wake him up.

it's yoongi.

"wh- what... j-jungkook? jungkook wake up... jungkook!"

"jimin wait, just listen to me please..."

"No! go away! "

I felt tears again, my throat is burning but I didn't care. I was terrified.

Author's pov

jungkook woke up to a trembling jimin and a cold yoongi at the door.

he snarls. almost growling.

"Get out."

"no. let me talk to jimin."

jungkook looked into jimin's eye. and all jimin was thinking is to jungkook not to leave him. and yoongi to go away.

"I insisted."

"then I guess I have to go the hard way. "

yoongi knocked jungkook out and he fainted.

a voice in his head shouted for him to run away.

"jimin, I just wanted to talk. "

"This is not talking! you- you knocked him out!"

"he wouldn't listen."


the next thing he knows, is he jumping down the window and running toward the lake, away from yoongi. everything shouts pain but it didn't stop him from running.

he heard yoongi shouting his name. but he didn't turn back, he was afraid.

he stopped when it's a dead-end, standing at the edge of the lake, he felt helpless, he can only stand there watch as yoongi walk towards him.

"jimin... I'm so so so sorry. I didn't mean to do any of those to you!"

"It was the other me beneath! I couldn't control him an-"

" What did I do. "

"what?"  yoongi is confused.

"I said. what did I do? what did I do to make you, someone I actually loved. someone whom I trust and someone I thought, love me too. to torture me like that? yoongi you don't get it, you can't push all the responsibility to the other you... you can't think this *jimin pointed at himself who is covered with wound* is nothing to do with you... when all these happen, it hurt. it hurt so much, not only physically but also mentally because the people who did this to me... is you."

"do you really hate me... this much?"

"jimin... no .. I love you!"

"I don't feel like you do. if death is what you want to see on me, that'll do."

jimin said and didn't hesitate to jump. he couldn't swim but he didn't struggle, he let himself sink down and felt his body go numb due to the coldness of the lake water.

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