-Chapter 13: Mental breakdown-

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"Philip, what the actual f*ck, dude!" Y/N yelled as she power-walked toward their home. "What?" Philip asked as he walked next to Y/N. "You can't just pick a fight with my friend," Y/N groaned. Philip scoffed. "That was your friend? You don't seem like friends to me!" Philip stated. "Okay, so what if George and I are more than friends?" Y/N asked.

"Are you?" Philip asked and stopped walking. Y/N stopped a moment later and turned to Philip. "That's none of your business," Y/N said and continued walking. "Yes, it f*cking is!" Philip sneered. "I mean-" Philip stammered as Y/N frowned. "I'm your roommate, I should be knowing what you're doing." He corrected himself. 

"Philip," Y/N grunted as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "I don't want to talk about this," She sighed. "Well, you've been talking to George about me!" Philip argued. "Don't even start it!" Y/N threatened. "Why can't I know?" Philip said as he ran up to Y/N and stopped right in front of her. Y/N stopped and looked straight into his eyes.

"Because I'm closer to George than to you, Philip."

Philip looked hurt. But that didn't stop him from snapping back at her. "Then maybe you should live with him instead!" He yelled. "You know what? Maybe I will!" Y/N yelled back. Philip was angry, but he also looked as if he could break into tears if he said another word. Their intense eye-contact didn't help either of them. Pity and empathy started to shine through in Y/N's stare.

"It's not like you're a Saint either!" Y/N said. "What?" Philip asked confused. "You're always writing in that notebook!" She hissed. "That's my business, not yours!" Philip argued. 

"Exactly." Y/N said and pushed Philip away. "Y/N, no, wait," Philip groaned, rubbing his itchy eyes. As he followed her, he noticed that she was headed into the middle of the city. If she did eventually disappear in the crowd, there wouldn't be a chance that he'd find her. So he took up the pace and grabbed her arm right as they entered the outskirts. "Don't touch me!" Y/N almost shrieked as she shook her arm off and took a few steps back.

Philip raised his hands as people started to stare at him. "Don't touch me!" Y/N repeated. "I'm not touching you," Philip calmly said.

"Don't touch me."

"I... I'm not touching you."




"You're making it worse." She said as she glared at Philip. She noticed how sad he looked. He looked like a kicked-puppy. He was making her feel like the bad guy. It only frustrated her more and more. "Don't look at me like that." She sneered at him, standing her ground. When Philip didn't stop looking at her, she turned around and disappeared into the crowd. 

Crage was opening up the bar for his lunch shift. As he did, he saw a defeated Philip come in. "Aye mate, welcome! Did ye fin' th' lassie?" He asked as Philip sat down. "Yeah, I did," He sighed and slammed his head down on the counter. "Ye got rejected, Ah see?" Crage asked as he filled a glass of beer. "Yeah, I did," Philip sniffled. "A cuppae swally shoods dae ye guid." Crage said and offered the glass of beer. "What's swally?" Philip asked as he grabbed the cup. "Beer, mucker," Crage explained as Philip began to sip at the beer. 

"Maybe," He sighed.

-Not even 7 minutes later-

"Who the f*ck is Y/N even?" Philip cackled to his new friends as he gulped down his next pint. 

He had the giggles, he couldn't stop laughing. "You could get so much better," One of the drunken friends pointed out. "RIGHT?!" Philip boomed as he chinked their glasses together. "I could be gay and I'd still get better than her!"

Hours passed. Philip kept drinking. Eventually, Crage grew worried by midnight.

"Oi laddie, Ah think ye shoods tain it doon wi' th' swally." Crage slowly said. "Crage, my best pal!" Philip snickered. "You are my light in the dark. What would I do without you?" Philip almost started crying. Crage looked unimpressed. "Laddie, ye shoods go home." Crage told Philip. "I've been here for 2 minutes!" Philip whined. "Okay, but ye still drenk more than a scot woods over a day." Crage told him. 

"Fine. Just for you," Philip said and set his pint down. "Go home, get some rest and talk to the lassie," Crage advised as he handed Philip's jacket. "Yeah, yeah, I'll go kiss her or somethun'" "No, Philip," Crage shook his head. "Thanks for the advice, Crage!" 

Crage shook his head as Philip stumbled out the door. "That mucker is gon' get slapped." 

Y/N was sitting on Philip's bed. It's not like she could go anywhere else. If she wanted to sleep somewhere else, she'd have to explain the whole situation. And she didn't want to do that. But as the hours passed, she eventually grew worried for Philip. 'Where is he?' she thought multiple times. She did change into her nightgown and was preparing to go to sleep. Just as she lifted her covers, the door slammed open. She jumped and turned around. 

"Philip?" She said as she saw him stumble in. "Hiiiii," Philip greeted Y/N. "b*tch," He finished with a chuckle and stumbled toward his bed and laid down on his back. Y/N wanted to say something but decided to frown instead. "Have you been drinking?" She asked. "Mayhaps," Philip snickered. 

Y/N got a bit closer. "Maybe you should sleep on the bed tonight," She suggested. "Nahhh, I'm just resting my eyes. I'll sleep on the chair," He said with closed eyes. "How much did you drink?" Y/N asked and sat down on the bed. "ten-ty," Philip slurred. "Ten or twenty?" Y/N asked and put her hand on his forehead to feel the warmth. "Your hand is cold," Philip complained.

"Okay, you need to take your jacket off," Y/N said as she pushed Philip up to a sitting position. "But I look cool," Philip argued as Y/N slowly slid his jacket off his shoulders. "Yeah, but you're going to over-heat," Y/N said as Philip shook his jacket off. "You just indirectly called me cool," Philip cackled as she hung his coat on the chair. 

"Rest a bit." Y/N repeated as she sat back down next to Philip. "Can you stay with me?" He mumbled, looking right at her. "I'm right here," She reassured as he laid back down. Y/N got off the bed and sat down on the ground with her arms and face resting on the soft mattress. She slowly closed her eyes.

"Y/N?" Philip suddenly called. "Yes?" She said, keeping her eyes closed. "I feel lonely," He admitted. "How come? I'm here with you," She asked, still keeping her eyes closed. "Even when I'm with you. I feel alienated," He said with a slight voice crack. "It's like the world is turning faster than I can run. I'm being left behind," Y/N slid her eyes open and saw Philip's back. "And now I'm messing up your relationships," He mumbled. "Philip, you're not doing anything wrong." Y/N said. 

"You could've handled the situation better. But that doesn't mean you're a bad person," Y/N reassured him. "But George and I are trying to work things out. You don't have to add to the stress," Y/N told Philip. 

"Y/N, can you please lay next to me tonight?" 

(Much thanks to my friend who kept yelling at me when I slacked off from writing and went on my phone XD)

P.S. It still took me two days to write this :0

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