The Tea (Bellas Pov)

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I stood out in the freezing cold night in front of Zendaya's trailer waiting for her to open the door. Why is she taking so long? Finally the door opened and Z was standing in the door way with a box of donuts.

"Oh my gosh I love you so much!", I squealed as I dashed in to her trailer.

"Yeah I know.", she smirked.

We sat down on her bed while we were chomping away on our delicious donuts!

"Alright sis spill the tea!", I muffled threw my mouth full of donut. Fixing myself on the bed to make myself comfortable.

"Alright weeellll I mighta sorta gotta little crush on tom.....", she said softly as if she didn't want anyone to hear.

"I Knew it!", I said a little bit to loudly.

She rolled her eyes then laughed. "Well whats up with you and jake?"

"Nothings happening!" I said a little to quickly.

"Yeah sure...", she questioned. "Well Bella I just want to say that I've missed you! There are so many boys on this set and it's nice to have a best friend that's not a boy!"

"Aww I missed you too!", We embraced in a hug and laid in her bed talking about nonsense and tom a little bit. We started to get tired so we decided to call it a night.

" See you tomorrow!" I waved and headed back to my trailer. I heard running. Who the heck is running right now. Of course it's Jake!
" ummmm Jake why are you running?" The sight of him made me laugh.

"Cold!"' he yelled as he was sprinting.

"Jake wait! Take my sweatshirt if your that cold!", I chuckled Becuase he was just in trunks and a towel.

"Wow usually it's the guy who gives the sweater!", Jake panted.

"You gonna take it or not?"

"Heck yeah!", he gritted threw his teeth as he clutched the sweater. "Thank you!"

"No problem how was the jacuzzi?"

He paused for a moment and his eyes went big.
"We talked about many stuff."

"Of course you were.", I sarcastically stated.

"Hey quick question what do u think about haz?"

Wow random question. What were they talking about at the jacuzzi? "Oh he's great I'm really glad we met!" Hopefully that was a good enough answer for him.

We stood there in the cold darkness for a second.

"Hey Bella....". He said softly. I looked up quick what was he going to say. Is he going to ask to do something with him. COME ON BOY SLIT IT OUT. "I'm going to go hed back to my trailer."

"Oh ok see you tommorow." I got a little sad not gonna lie. Well he's going to have to give me my sweater back.

I git into my trailer and jumped onto the bed.
"Well I know one thing is for sure I am falling for gyllenhaal!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2019 ⏰

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