Airport (jakes pov)

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      Hi guys I'm so sorry for it being so slow I'm gonna try to speed it up like in this chapter! If u like it then hit the star thingy!!!! Thanks for reading!!!

    "What?!?!",I herd Bella gasp right next to me.

I don't know if I should be excited or scared. Bella is going to kiss me! Bella freaking Agosto. Wow I love my job. Bella kinda just started at her script for a while. I started wondering off about all the possibilities then I was broken mid thought -

"Alright guys make sure you start packing your stuff becuase and memorizing your lines Becuase we are going to start filming in two days. We will have a plane for you so you won't have to worry about that, and we'll see you there. Alright the meeting is dismissed!", John watts(the director) exclaimed to us.

Bella immediately got up and left. Should I go after her or....??? You know what she's probably doing something important and needed to leave. Yeah that's probably it. Hopefully......

~getting in he plane~
"Hey man wasuup!", tom said giving me a bear hug "I'm so excited for you to come to England."

"Yeah me too have you seen Bella at all?", I asked scratching the back of my neck.

"Ummm no but I know she's probably checking in her luggage right now!"

"Oh ok. Umm...... ok I don't want to sound weird or anything but I really want to sit right next to Bella on the plane ride is there anyway you can help me?"

Tom just started at me. "Really are you really asking me this right now? Of course I'll help you! I'll be your wingman alright mate?"

"Wait really you'll help?"

"Of course bro I really want to see where this is going! I totally ship it"

"you do?"

"Yeah of course mate!"

We walked over to the loading zone becuase they could be loading any minute!

"Jake I think your girlfriend is here!", tom said looking behind me. I turned my head, a litlle to fast, to look back threw the crowd to see if I could find her. Then finally I saw her she was walking towards us and I swear she was walking in slow motion. She was gorgeous. Not kidding GORGEOUS. She finally made it and hugged us.

"Hey guys you excited!", she squealed with the biggest most cutest smile on her face.

"Heck yeah", tom screamed throwing his fist in he air.

"We are now boarding flight 43.", the speakers boomed.

"Hey were are you two sitting?", Bella asked looking at her ticket. "I'm row J seat 3"

"Oh cool I'm row J seat 2!", tom laughed. "Jake that must mean your seat 1"

I looked down at my ticket. "I'm row Q seat 5", I sighed. Really of course tom gets right next to her and I'm on the other side of the plane.

Bella went and started to board the plane. "I'll meet you guys in there" I waited until she was out of sight.

"You have to be kidding!", I screamed.

"Hey Jake becuase your one of my best friends and I promised I'd help you. Here take my ticket."

"No now your all by yourself"

"Finale birding for flight 43", the speaker boomed one last time.

"Take it."

"Are you sure?"


"Your the best you know that. And you never know you could be in the middle of two cute girls."

"Yeah your right see you after the flight!"

"Thanks again" and Tom walked in.

I sighed to myself and mentally prepared to sit right next to Bella. Oh I'm so excited I thought as I walked down the isles of the airplane. This is gonna be the best plane ride ever!

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