Lunch (Jakes pov)

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Tom I need help

What's up man

Uhhh I'm kinda freaking out😰

Is this about the whole Bella thing 😏

Nooooo of course not ......yeah mabey

Well I'm here we'll talk in the car

Alright thanks buddy

No problem😂

   I looked in the mirror one last time to see if I looked presentable. Alright hope this outfit does the trick. I locked my door and walked over to the car. Uhhhh why is there a dog in the front seat. I opened the back door and got in the car. " hey Jake I want you to meet my dog Tessa.", tom said with a grin. " she's going to help you with this little crush of yours" "first of all I don't have a crush on her and second of all how is your dog gonna help" "uhhhh ok well first if all your terrible at keeping your blush under control your checks are super red right now and second of all Tessa is going to stay up in the front with me. So you'll get to sit right next to Bella." "Uh oh I don't like this" "we're almost to her house", tom happily said. Wow she has a pretty cool house. I wonder what's taking so long. Ahhh the anticipation is giving me anxiety. Finally I saw her close the door to her house and let me just say she looked absolutely stunning. She walked to the car and got in the backseat. She didn't talk to me the whole car ride. She didn't even look at me. How do I know becuase I was looking at her the whole car ride. I don't think she likes me at all. Finally the car stopped and ended the awkward car ride. "Alright we're here!", tom said smirking into the back seat. Tom got out to get Tessa all situated and I went to get in buckled but Bella did the same thing and our hands touched. I can feel my face getting hotter and hotter and my stomach getting filled with more and more butterflies. Ahhh but she's so cute. I totally wanted to kiss her..... but I just met her yesterday and she totally hates me so that would not be a good idea. "Sorry!,"she blurted and got out of the car. I took a big sigh and tried to get my blush to go down. I finally got out of the car. "You good jake", tom asked while I closed the door. "Yeah yeah I'm good just a little hot." Wow that was terrible it's like 60 degrees out side. We walked into the cafe. It was a pretty cute place not gonna lie. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick. Tom can you order for me!",Bella yelled as she rushed to the bathroom. Wow her and Tom must be really close. Me and Tom orderd and then we sat outside Becuase we didn't want Tessa to make a mess. " soooo Jake I have a secret for you." "Uh oh" "so there's a secret love interest in the movie and I definitely know it's you but who's the girl?,"Tom asked. I went red. Like super red. What if it's Bella. Oh my gosh that would be the best and worst thing in my entire life. "Earth to jake got any idea who it might be?",tom yelled break my gaze. "I guess we'll find out tonight.", was all I managed to say. And then here she came out of the bathroom. It was like everything stopped and it was like she was walking in slow motion. She's gorgeous how have I never even known her she's absolutely everything I look for in a girl. "Stop starring before it gets weird", tom scowled while refilling Tessa's water bowl. She sat down and as she did our food came. Wow good timing. Alright just don't be weird. Don't be weird. "So you excited to play mysterio?", Bella asked while chewing her food. Oh my gosh is she asking me a question? Is she finally talking to me? Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh be cool be co- SNAP! Tom snapped in my face to snap me out of it. "Oh sorry uh yeah I'm really excited to finally play a superhero and be in the mcu!" Wow I'm smiling and not being weird. Hahaha 1 point for gyllenhaal. "Well we're glad to have you" ahhhh blushing again dang it! I gotta get this crush under control! Finally it was a pea fill silence as we ate and then "oh guys we need to go!", tom said while packing Tessa's stuff. "Alright let's do this thing"

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