Before we begin:The text of this publication, or any part thereof, may not be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the written permission from the Author. This story is protected by copyright laws, meaning any infringement is prosecutable by law.Have you ever simply sat down and reflected upon the life you are living and when you do what exactly are the questions you are asking??
Are you happy? When was the last time you were truly happy? Do you want to get up and go to work in the morning because you actually enjoy your job? Do you have good friends?? And then what is it you compare it too? Or who? Are these those people from High School, you know the ones I'm talking about right - the ones who always thought they were better then everyone else but were really just hiding behind their own insecurities, Is it that one work friend, the one you had an instant connection with in the lunchroom on your first day when no one would sit with you, The one that shouts the first round of drinks at the local pub after work on Friday afternoon, the one you complain about your boss too knowing that it wont get back to him or her.
Are these those people and do they really do it better and have it better than you? Do they really have it all figured out or are they just getting by the best way they know how, Are they sitting back asking the same questions as you but never actually getting any answers, Well if you figure it out than maybe you can let me know because no matter how many time I ask myself these questions, no matter how much older I become or how much life experience I have none of this really truly matters and I don't really even need to know, But here is something I have learnt in my last 35 years:* Life happens no matter what, you cannot always plan it and it absolutely wont always work out the way you want it to.
* Todays perfect job is tomorrows nightmare.
* Surround yourself with a small group of amazing people, Not a flock of fakes.
* Never deny yourself a chance at love, if it presents itself don't run away scared, don't look for shelter in the dark, embrace it, hold on to it as tight as you can, we are here for a short time not a long time make the most of it each and every day.
RomansaHe shapes my entire world, everything I was was a reflection of the two of us. There wasn't an entire memory I had that he wasn't apart of, he had always been a part of my life, my best friend - for 15 years. My first friend, my first crush, my fir...