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I decided to stay at the boarded up restaurant I called a home; Franzelli's. I set up shop and stayed there. I took a pill and headed out. I had a plan. My mother, Sam and Dorothy went to the same school I did. I decided to do some research, a yearbook research. So I snuck back in and I had to be careful. I didn't want anyone know I'm back.

I went to the school archives and I started looking through old files. I looked for photos of my mom and I found some familiar faces. A bunch of people, who still lived around. I left the archive room and went to the principal. Risky, I know. But she knew her.

Principal: Nick! It's been a while.

Nick: You knew her, didn't you?

Principal: I'm sorry Nick, who are you talking about?

I hand her the photos of my mom and she remembered.

Principal: You're her daughter.

Nick: Have you seen her?

Principal: Not in a while. Last I saw her, she was here actually. When I saw her, I asked her how it's been and stuff. And she told me she was here on a business trip. She looked different though. I couldn't put my finger on it. And I haven't seen her since.

Nick: Thanks.

When I was reaching for the door the principal asked: Does this mean you're back for good Nick?

I leave without saying a word. I ditch the school and go to Phil. He knew my dad when he was with mom. He must've known something.

Phil: Nicki! Where you been?

Nick: Around. Tell me about my mom.

Phil: That's it? No hi Phil? How are you?

Nick: Just answer the question. When was the last time you saw her?

Phil: Right before you left.

Nick: Where is she?

Phil: Nick it's-

Nick: DON'T TELL ME IT'S COMPLICATED! Tell me where she is. NOW!

Phil: She's in town. I don't know where though. She never told anyone.

I started to get an anxiety attack and my breathing got faster. I ran out. I was running somewhere where I could be alone. I bumped into a girl and I ran into an alley. I put my back against a wall and sat down. My heart was pumping so fast and my breathing was irritatingly quick. The girl I bumped into came closer to see if I was alright. She didn't help. I told her to go away but she wouldn't listen. So when I looked up, I saw who it was.

Nick: What the hell?

Molly: Nick? What are you doing here?

Nick: I told you to leave me alone.

Molly: I was trying to help. You were the one who bumped into me.

Nick: I know you're an "activist" Molls, but not everyone wants your help. I'm leaving.

Molly: Nick wait!

I didn't. My head was spinning and I needed to be someplace safe. So I went back to Franzelli's to take a pill and get rid of these feelings.

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