18. Broadcasts

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Usually when a series was aired by ITV the episodes would be shown in an order with, arguably, the best episodes at the start and end of the run with the weaker episodes in the middle. During this period, TV episodes were made to be shown in almost any order. As the UK's ITV regions showed the episodes in all different orders, the series was never shown in the 26 production order (until BBC2 in the 1990s). In fact, Exposed was originally meant to be the second episode, and whilst its 2nd in the ITC Recommended Broadcast Order, it was originally shown fifth. The original screening was shown on ATV Midlands (where it was first ever screened in the world) and Thames Television in London. But to be honest, anyone could watch the series in whatever order they like now with TV and the internet. Identified was shown at 8PM on Wednesday 16th September 1970 and in Canada the same year.

It was hard to determine whether the series was aimed at children or adults for broadcasters. In London and the South East area, the series was aired in a tea-time slot at 5:15 PM, whilst repeating it in an early Saturday morning slot. Two episodes; The Responsibility Seat and The Long Sleep were held over in all but one region in the UK and were later shown in 1973 (two years after the original run ended). A good list on Wikipedia (yes, I know they're always accurate but has a good table on the show's run of the production order of episodes (the one for this book), the first ATV screening, the recommended order from UFO series website, Fanderson's order used on the DVDs and the ITC Recommended Broadcast Order used on the Channel 5/Polygram VHS. 

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