6. "Gamer" stories

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Hello again! I see you came back to pursue the sacred knowledge of writing. Very well. Today's topic are the well known "Gamer" stories in which the main character experiences the world like a game.

Sounds wonderful, doesn't it? Well, then let's get started.

First thing we should establish is which type of game to use. As we know there is a vast varie-


YES! RPGs are the only genre of games that can work with this type of stories. Why? Well, how else are you supposed to make the main character the star of the book. It's common knowledge that in RPGs there's a lot of fighting! Exactly what we need.

Huh? There's fighting in other games? Pff, like what?


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W-well, there's no main character there, so it won't work. And there's no heroic feats for the MC to take credit for ALL BY HIMSELF. NO SUCH THING AS CO-OP OR MULTIPLAYER GAMES!

It's not like you can take a strategy game like Warcraft and make the MC of your book act as the one pulling the strings of every other character while trying to integrate himself into this new world he comes across and fight against a greater entity such as another gamer from his world. God forbid that as it may make the character look...*gulp* morally gray, which is horrible in a story. There's no good story with such a protagonist.


(Seriously, READ THIS!

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(Seriously, READ THIS!

Also, get serious people. As far as Wattpad goes, THAT'S an original idea, but no. Let's go the generic way. Big explosions and games that look more like Dragon Ball where everyone has a visor.)

I haven't seen anything.

Btw, you don't need to explain how or why he's here with these powers. You already know why. Let me hear it!

Now that we established what genre the game will be, there's something you should know... It's made by EA-KIDDING, kidding. We don't wanna get sued here.

What I meant is that the protagonist always plays on EASY MODE!

That's right. He gets strong fast and without effort, kinda like free microtransactions, cause that makes every game 10 times more enjoyable. I mean, who could possibly enjoy games with hard difficulties? There's no fun in that.

 I mean, who could possibly enjoy games with hard difficulties? There's no fun in that

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Ignore them, for they do not comprehend our ways. Besides, if the game was hard for the protagonist, you wouldn't get the chance to spam each chapter with LISTS of numbers and stats, something every one reads with pleasure and certainly does not skip over them to, you Know...read the actual fucking story...

And that's very important, you don't need to think about the story itself so long as the stats are there, to give off the impression of "emersion"...in the most boring way. Who cares if the story is the same generic and boring stuff you see everywhere without it...oh wait, it WAS generic to begin with. Nothing to worry.

That being said, make any sort of encounter boost those stats, even if it is a side quest unrelat- oh wait... you're too lazy to write stuff like side quests that would help the world building and development of the supporting and background cast...

Sigh, I've got a lot to teach you, it seems. Very well. It shall be done next time.

The basic rule here is that in order to write a successful gaming story, all you have to do is TAKE AWAY WHAT WOULD MAKE GAMERS RELATE TO IT.

It doesn't get easier that that. In classic manner, the title should contain "GAMER" and "OP" for maximum traffic.

And since I'm in a "good" mood, here's a little bonus. Take this game. It's the perfect rpg to model your story after.

10/10 IGN

Let us meet next time for a lesson on how writing background and supporting characters are a waste of time

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Let us meet next time for a lesson on how writing background and supporting characters are a waste of time. Fare well!

To be continued...

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