8. Family

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Wlcome again. Let me ask you a thing. Do you love your family? Most likely yes. If not, well...hang in there.

But for those fortunate enough to have good families, you know damn well what you like, what you dislike about it, but I'm sure you wouldn't give it up under any circumstances, right?


Good. Well say goodbye to all that when you're trying to write a story. It'll only hinder you throughout your journey towards certain success and fame.

You should know how things work by now if you've watched anime.

1. Is the story about action, fighting and getting stronger?

    Dead parents are for you, my friend. Well, for you Mc better said. Why? Cause the revenge plot is the perfect way to get both a cheap motivation for getting stronger and to sneak in the obligatory edge. In fact, it's so edgy the MC uses himself instead of a blade. GENIUS!

2. Is your book a drama or heartwarming love story, ready to melt the hearts of your readers?

Say no more fam, cause you already know everything you need for this one. Part 1 and 2 light your path.

The parents? Abusive.
The siblings? Betrayers.
The mc? Neglected and Cheated.


3. And finally, is your story "original" and "not like the others"?

Perfect, cause I present to you the "I'm completely fucking clueless" parents that approve everything their 16 year old child says, such as:

Mc:"Mom, I'm off to duke it out with the Norse God Loki. Might lose a leg and an arm."

Mom/Dad:"Sure thing. Don't forget your power of friendship and last minute, rage infused dues ex machina power ups with lack of explanation."

Mc:"I always have them around, in the right pocket. The left one has non existing condoms...cause I'm a bad boy and them bitches thirsty...after a 16 year old."

Don't look at the fact that this is actual child neglect. After all, these parents always approve the mc, so you should like them. Besides, you don't even need to develop them, they'll have at most 2-3 lines before disappearing in the void, cause we all know every 16 year old lives alone and separated from his loving and caring parents, as the bio puts it.

Bottom line: Regardless of what sort of story you write, always remember the following.

Bottom line: Regardless of what sort of story you write, always remember the following

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It doesn't matter where. It doesn't matter how. If your kid is an mc in a Fanfiction, you're out!


Hmm? People saying something about organic families and child-parent dinamic?

Sigh, the 'uncultured' bunch is complaining again, aren't they? Unbelievable.

I know what they're saying. "Oh, bUt hOw aBoUt an InTeRnAl fAmILy PrObLeM?"

Bruh, that would require time and effort to think for cause, short-term effects, long-term effects, attitude of each family member, their interaction in each stage and even solutions for a complete ending.


Making said character appear as less as possible is much, MUCH cost efficient. Besides, they're not the main characters, who gives a Rat's ass about them?

Huh? Competent readers?


And don't let that distract you from the fact that there are people stupid enough out there to waste energy on making up generations, such as grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins

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And don't let that distract you from the fact that there are people stupid enough out there to waste energy on making up generations, such as grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins.

Such a waste of energy when you could put all that into lemons with the step moms and step sisters, the ONLY family that gets 'screen time', and we all know why.

Go on, practice and master these techniques to add another layer of magnificence to your story, one that it's completely exclusive to you and ONLY you...

     ...and the rest of the herd of blindly following ships.

To be continued...

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