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❝ 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚞𝚎 : 𝚋𝚎𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚢𝚊𝚕  ❞


a pair of shoes keeps on walking down through the alley, silence creeping in as he and the teams walked deeper to the hideous side of the road.

they were on a mission; not an easy one obviously. the team miraculously found out who's the actual leader of the gang, yakuza team, that has been in the wanted list for years long- they were accused for illegal possessions of drugs and sex trafficking, but always get away for it.

it was so fucking damn hard for the captain of this team, senior jeon wonwoo to find this fucking messed up gang. he had tracked them down almost for two years now, and it was not easy at all. finally for once, the gang did something wrong in cleaning up their messes, and luckily enough for jeon wonwoo to quickly picked up what they left behind.

with a deep breath, heart thumping loudly against his rib cage, jeon wonwoo kicked the door opened, as they arrived to a suspicious warehouse. a loud thump was heard as the door hit the wall behind. guns and knives never once leave his and his teammates' hands, eyes sticking to their surroundings. there were only 4 of them, including wonwoo. it was a super dangerous mission, for fucking sake. but no one inside the police's office ever trusted him when he requested for a backup, since he's a newbie. a really really newbie police. but heck, did they know how talented was he?

the warehouse they were in are dead silence, only their footsteps and some ravens gurgling croaks can be heard. if it weren't because of badges right at the top left of wonwoo's uniform, he would've thought this is some haunted house and run away as soon as he can. but no, he's a detective, it's his responsibilities to do this. yet, it was weird. so so weird. there was no guards at the main gate, or even anyone at this point. it does seems like they went to the wrong and empty location? could it be?

wonwoo cursed under his breath. not the hell again. 

the detective looked up to his team and nods, no words needed as they moved to the last room, right at the end of the hallway, only to be invited by another cold air. wonwoo swayed his hands up, signalling for everyone to keep their guards down. he changed his position from bending to standing straight, leaving a sigh from his pink lips and putting all his guns away.

but that's when things happened.

a small bang was heard, it's from outside. all four of them turned around, only to be knocked and punched down by three? four? or maybe more people than that. shit wonwoo thought. they let their guards down, and it's a freaking big mistake.

mingyu, one of his teammates groaned loudly and wonwoo turned to his side though he were pinned by two men, looking at mingyu who had lied down. the men that were holding wonwoo kicked him again, seeing how the latter was putting his guards down. wonwoo whimpered, pain shooting through his body and can feels a blood running through the corner of his lips. his eyes still wandered, though he was still kicked, and looked at how seungcheol was still fighting back, throwing punches endlessly. and a few seconds he were down too, and wonwoo can't see anymore. hansol, his teammates were nowhere to be found too, too many people were crowding them.

after what wonwoo felt like hours, when he thought it was the end for them, the men who were inside the room suddenly back up from the weak teammates.

"what the fu-" wonwoo's voice were hoarse, but he still lifted himself, groaning at the pain shooting at his whole entire body. now he can see clearly, with seungcheol who was still conscious at his side, the knocked down mingyu, and hansol who was breathing heavily. wonwoo was confused for a second- why did they stopped? why didn't they finished them- not that he was wishing for that, but still. nonetheless he needs to come up with an ideas to get out from this team grasp, so he turns his head to seungcheol, who was clearly confused too. they connected in short stares and seungcheol understands. he was about to talk when a sudden laugh, a noisy, but sounds very far away from them was heard. it was sinister, a scary one, and wonwoo gulped. what. the. fuck. was. that?

the detectives can decipher some faint footsteps out from the room they were in. the person who wonwoo thought as the culprit, the one he was searching for years was still laughing, and wonwoo holds his fist tighter. he needs to fight him- so wonwoo tries to get up but the men  that were behind him pushed him down by his shoulders harshly. wonwoo groaned, cursing again,

but then he freezes.

because he recognized now, who's voice was that. a high pitched laugh, the hiccups between laugh, he knows that very well. wonwoo widen his eyes, heart beats increased suddenly, as he crossed his fingers wishing it's not the person he thought it is. his mind were blurs and hazy, the sudden of unknown adrenaline flows inside his body. it was like he was tied up, breath stuck at his throat.

for others, they would have thought as horror, a sinister laugh when they don't know where they were produced from? yeah, horror much. but wonwoo was still froze in his spots, only a seconds later he looked up to seungcheol. the older were staring him too, as if they were trying to say something, but something pulling them back, shut their voices away. 

wonwoo looked back up. the laughed had stopped, but there's no one who shows up.

the detectives steadying his breath. " come the fuck out you coward ! " wonwoo shouts, his long sweaty hair falling down to his forehead, shaky exhales left his very mouth. wonwoo stares hard at the open door that led to this room, very hard that it can pierce anything right now. he swallowed the lump in his throat as he heard clanking sounds of shoes walking toward this room. wonwoo shakes off his fear that were creeping him earlier, putting up with any courage left he has. 

the steps were very close, wonwoo can tell. he was then faced with the black leather shoes, the person who was laughing like maniac earlier. his eyes trailed from legs, and body slowly, as if he was afraid too see the face.

but it was all too late. his eyes were stared back, wide, to the very person who was standing in front of him. wonwoo can feels his blood rushing down, his body was shaking, ears were buzzing and the sounds of seungcheol loud gasps was not entering his brain. because his eyes were stucked at this, this person who makes his body freezes at his spot.

it is him.

"s-soonyoung?" wonwoo muttered slowly, and he knew how weak his voice was right now. they were never broke eye contact, and wonwoo feels shivers run through his body at how murderous and intense the stare was.

his heart as if stopped, meeting back soonyoung after years, but how- how did they end up like this? wonwoo who was beaten up badly, staring back to the gaze that wonwoo cannot understand, to the very person who well- ruined his life. and he can't think- the burning desires of him to fight back was soon vanished as he met him. confused, sad, anger. all those emotions running through his mind that he can't even speak.

but for soonyoung- his eyes were on fire, his stares were dark and cold. a smiles, (maybe a smirk, wonwoo doesn't know his brain was not working well either) curves up into his lips. and finally, wonwoo's minds register, this situation he was in.



he's not the same soonyoung.

"nice to meet you again, wonwoo."

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