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❝ 𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗 : 𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚝𝚑 ❞


"let's go, wonwoo. i'm sending you back." soonyoung entered his own room, finding wonwoo who was seating at the corner of his bed. he must've heard...

wonwoo just stared back at soonyoung, clearly asking for explanation. he already had enough being left out for already five years. he need to know the truth. "what was that, soonyoung?"

the maroon haired boy sighed. he knew, at one point he needed to tell the truth. but not now. not when his father is here. "let's- let's just go, alright?"

"no. explain." wonwoo crossed his arms, doesn't even move an inch. he does feel slight concerned for soonyoung's bruised lips and the obvious blood from his cheeks, but not now- he can't show he cares. no matter how much the younger wanted to do so. the other just hissed, trying to intimidate wonwoo who was clearly doesn't budge. he needed explanation.

"alright! fine ! you saw what happened. my father's here, and he hated you. he hated cops. we just trying to get rid of you, sending you back safe and sound. end of story."

"really?" wonwoo snort unbelievably. "safe and sound?" the younger just wanted to laugh. " i don't believe that, soonyoung. you tried to killed me and my friends. safe and sound doesn't really suits here, sweetie."

"look, i'm in a hurry and i should do what he says-"

"THAT'S NOT THE EXPLANATION I WANT!" wonwoo stands, screaming in frustration. he hated begging for it, and soonyoung should know what he really wants.

soonyoung who were panicked, ran to the younger and abruptly closed his mouth with his own palm. "don't shout p-please."

the black haired pushed the other hand roughly, shocked with the other's sudden behaviour. wonwoo noticed, somehow soonyoung clearly looks terrified, as if he's in a trauma.

"then explain."

they were staring for a second, and soonyoung can sees wonwoo's eyes were full with curiosities, questions that he needs answers to, and the most obvious one; hurt and pain. and everything because of his own fault. soonyoung took a deep breathe before nodded slowly, tries to calm down the wavers in his heart.

"alright..." soonyoung took a sit at his own bed, though wonwoo continues to stand. "it's m-my father. h-he's the leader, as you can see." soonyoung sighed, looking down. "i get inside the academy quietly, because as i already told you, i want to be a police. i wanna cuffed my own father and put him in jail. i wanted to do that. but i can't. he found me first, five years ago. he dragged me back, doing this evil businesses that i don't wanna do." the boy breathed out, somehow his heavy chest of holding everything has been lifted. his eyes didn't met wonwoo's, but stares blankly at the wall.

and oh, how loud the thump wonwoo's heart did.

the younger's eyebrow suddenly furrowed, truth crashing on him, bit by bit. he realized he was at fault for mistaking soonyoung. wonwoo froze at his spot, avoiding soonyoung's eye contact. he was so taken aback, and if he's not inside this whatever mansion now, he would've run right now, avoiding the strange feelings inside him. and he hated it. he had buried those feelings down for years and for it to dive back in; it's too much. reality crashed him so painfully slow, and wonwoo took a sit next to soonyoung. "w-why-" wonwoo winced, his voice came out small and weak before he coughed a little. "why you didn't tell me all of these? soonyoung do you know how much i blamed you?" 

"i tried to tell you actually." soonyoung smiled a little. "that night, on my last night." he sighed.

wonwoo looked back at soonyoung, his eyes widen in shock, because he knew the reasons. right, an immature wonwoo had ran out that night, instead of asking for explanations. right, this is all wonwoo's fault, and he didn't even know

"-but you weren't there. i tried to search you around in campus, but you're gone. i was so wrecked, wonwoo. i can't even say my last goodbye" wonwoo continues to listen, his eyes went wide when he sees a few droplets of tears dropping down to soonyoung's palms. he turned to older's face, and found out the boy was indeed, crying.

soonyoung sobbed,wiping his tears. gone all the jerk soonyoung wonwoo had seen these past few days. he now met the true soonyoung, the one he had known for years long. "i'm...i'm sorry wonwoo. i shouldn't have done those things to you. it's my fault everything turns out like this. i thought- i thought if i followed that dumbass wish, i can save you and our friends from any threats. now look, everything went wrong again- and it's all because of me." soonyoung sighed, he didn't want wonwoo to sees him like this. 

wonwoo's heartbeat increased so fast, and he can't stand to see soonyoung like this. there was something painful tugging at his heart, to brushed away anything that hurts this boy. and without a second thought, wonwoo pulled soonyoung into a hug, where he slowly pats soonyoung's back, calming him down. he just reacts that way, his body moves without his consent. they were hugging,and soonyoung's arms were slowly wrapped at wonwoo's small waist, while wonwoo's were found at soonyoung's neck. they were sharing heat, on that one autumn days. though their lives were now hectic, it really does remind them to one of the day, at wonwoo's house. where soonyoung was drunk, at wonwoo's couch, confessing his crush. it was one of the days when wonwoo can felt warmth spreading inside his body over a hug, and he remembers how much he missed this warmth. the younger can't help but to shed tears, his eyes were holding back for a while, and wonwoo can't hold it. he just cry and cry, and even soonyoung can noticed the shivers from wonwoo's body. "h-hey wonwoo?" soonyoung asked, not pulling away from the embraces. the younger just hummed, because he knew how weak and broke his voice right now. 

"remember that day when i said i love you?"

wonwoo's heart stops. he pulled away slowly, and now both of them can sees each other's red eyes and tears that were still building up. "yeah..."

the older smiled. "i know, after i leave, you must had think we were nothing, right?" he frowned a little before continues. "but that's totally wrong. everything i said that night at the party,everything i've done to you; it's true and genuine. i never once lie about that, wonwoo. i... i do love you."

soonyoung breathed out, realized now how close their face was. he also noticed the dark crimson red building up at wonwoo's cheeks, and he can't help but smiled. the younger just stares back, too many emotions crashing down on him at once. before he regains his composure, soonyoung puts his both palm at wonwoo's cheeks, rubbing away the tears. and they were smiling at each other. after so long, this feeling, the one that died down a long time ago revived back, lighting back their hearts.

and they were still smiling.

because both of them knew,

as this second pass,

they will be apart again, just like that one autumn day.

"i'm sorry... soonyoung."

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