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a/n : hi ! firstly thanks for the 900 reads ! im super happy ㅠ ㅅ ㅠ thank you thank you and thank you ! secondly, this might be the last update for this year because i'll be in europe for the next few remaining days in 2019. sooo wishing you guys happy (early) christmas to those who celebrates and also happy new year ! wishing all good things will happened in next year (plus i hv a big test...) again, thank you !

❝ 𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚟𝚎 : 𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛 ❞


the cold air hits every inch of wonwoo's body, making him shivers in the living room he was in. he can't take cold that much, and the normal sweater he's wearing wasn't helping either. the three people sat in the couches in silence, soonyoung's eyes stuck at junhui, while the oldest looking down the whole time. and wonwoo's eyes wandering everywhere except from these both people who had betrayed him cruelly. though he felt like punching junhui's on the face again right now, he needs to calm down.

the autumn's air is refreshing, brings happiness to some people who hated summer. well, it's different for wonwoo. every each year when it's autumn, he'd like to keep quiet, stares into the sky most of the time, crumbled and cries to himself when night comes. he simply hated autumn. it reminds him of soonyoung, soonyoung and always, soonyoung. but now here he is, on the early autumn with the same space soonyoung was in. every seconds was suffering, suffocating that it felt like to the point of choking.

"i'm sorry." junhui breathed out, looking at wonwoo. they were sitting opposites to each other so wonwoo has no choice than look at the older back.

"sorry? for what? killing your own friends?" wonwoo giggled. "funny, junhui. you really thought a word 'sorry' can return someone from death. you're literally the piece of shit." he felt like crying again, but his blood is boiling at the word sorry.

"look, wonwoo i told you i didn't know alright?! i just gave out orders, and they just reported me back like that-"

"so who gives you orders? soonyoung?" wonwoo chuckled, rolled his eyes. "you're guys are so worse-"

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" soonyoung stand up, his chest moving up and down clearly he was angry too. "stop fighting, you both."

wonwoo stands up too, "and what? just wait for you too kill me too? do it then. i have nothing to lose. i already lost everything." wonwoo smirks. "kill me, you murderer."

instead of another glare from soonyoung, the maroon haired boy just sits back. he puffed his cheeks obviously mad and hurt with wonwoo's words. junhui stay quiet, looking down.

wonwoo's about to laugh, looking at this two. he's about to walk away, when soonyoung pulled his hands hard, so he was sat back at the couch.

"get off me you dirty little bitch." wonwoo tugged his hands off soonyoung's and the latter sighed. "just stay here. we'll wait for minghao and jihoon to arrive."

just speaking of the devil, the main door from the living room opened, creaks that echoed through the whole entire mansion. well- that was not the main door, since this house has so many living rooms and doors and probably some parts that wonwoo doesn't even knows yet. a slim yet tall figure enters, slicking his hair back while another boy who was slightly shorter followed behind him. a maid who was out of nowhere appeared and closed the door, then running back to god knows where.

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