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❝ 𝚜𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗 : 𝚋𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚜 ❞


mr. jeon take off his reading glasses and put it aside, rubbed his bridge nose. he breathed in heavily, a worried face plastered all over his face. he is indeed worried sick for his oldest son, jeon wonwoo who was now lying at hospital's bed.

he was in deep thought until a knock resurfaces him back into reality. the old man knew it's his clerk and instantly calls the latter to come in.

she came with a man beside her, a person who is tall and slender, in a full police force's uniform. he smiles gracefully before coming inside. "mr. jeon, detective jeon bohyuk  is here to see you." she said, and leaves after a nod from the chief. the older was a little surprised, but still asked his son to sit in front of him. "dad." bohyuk says with a smiles on his face

"hey. aren't you supposed to be outside of seoul? what makes you come here?" the older man raised his eyebrows. bohyuk snorted, leaning back into the chair. "dad, you're sound like i'm not invited to come here." he chuckles lightly, followed by his dad who just shakes his head. after a seconds passed, the younger lift his head. "how's wonwoo hyung?"

mr. jeon sighed, the smile left his face. "still the same as four days ago. i don't know what's going on..." he rubbed his bridge nose again, migraines coming back up at his head. bohyuk hummed, seeming to understand the situations they all were in. "did they tell you anything?"

the latter looked up. "you mean seungcheol, mingyu and hansol? yeah, they did tell me about what happened inside the criminal's mansion in detail, but there's- there's something is missing. it's not like wonwoo to be like this.... or is it- is it because i don't know my own son well? oh god...." the older man sighed again, he is terribly worried for his son and his migraines were not helping him.

"dad, calm down. you're already a good father, alright? don't say things like that." bohyuk quickly assures his father. "besides i think this is something related to soonyoung-"

"soonyoung? that criminal?"

"yeah, he used to be wonwoo's best friend in high school and academy, remember?" 

"oh....right." mr. jeon nodded his head, seemingly remembered the moments from past years where he caught wonwoo was talking to soonyoung whenever he was giving speech as the chief of the police back at the academy. for a second he does thought if his son likes soonyoung because the look he gave to him was totally different from anyone else, but maybe- maybe that was just him. but after hearing what bohyuk says, is it...

is it possible?

"where's his friends?" mr. jeon quickly asked, something spark inside his head. maybe...it is possible. bohyuk quickly shrugs his shoulder. "i just came here, dad." his father gave him a long 'oh' for forgetting things. he was about to say something, until a knock interrupt them.

the clerk came inside again, now bringing another three people with her. "sir, sorry to interrupt your time, but senior choi seungcheol, senior kim mingyu and senior chwe hansol are here to see you."

mr. jeon quickly averted his gaze to the three men who are standing at the open door, and he can't help but noticed the frowns on their faces. and he exactly knows what are they going to say. "alright, thanks miss shane. you can go back to your work.

the aforementioned nodded and left the room as she closed the door. and then it was quiet for a moment, the air felt so tense before mr. jeon coughed and asked them to sit on the couches that were inside his room. mr. jeon and bohyuk joined them too, sitting across the three detectives.

"have you guys checked up on wonwoo today?" mr. jeon asked carefully, looking straight to their eyes. though he was the chief of this police department, he is very close to them; he was like their another father, since he was a very heart-warming person after all. 

hansol nodded and smiled. "i did, earlier..." he took another breath, looking at seungcheol and mingyu for strength. they both nodded, reassures hansol to continue. "but honestly? i think his conditions worsen each day. he refused to eat, to looked at us. the doctor said we need to pushed him to eat something, because... because-" and hansol just sighed. he can't. after seeing wonwoo today, in all honesty he can't recognized him. the pale wonwoo, the weak wonwoo (of course he has seen him cry, but that was years ago), and he can't stand it. the curiosities building up, and wonwoo was putting a wall that blocked them for seeing him clearly.

seungcheol pat hansol's thigh as he continues. "because his stomach is not in good condition right now. after that incident at the warehouse, soonyoung kicked him straight at there. i guess he didn't get treated well. soonyoung, that bitch." seungcheol cursed under his breath.

mr. jeon nodded his head, frowned deeply. he didn't like how he didn't know what was going on with wonwoo, he felt left out, felt like he's not a good father. bohyuk sighed, and suddenly perk his head up. "wait, soonyoung is the one who took him away after you guys were beaten up, right?"

the detectives nodded at the same time, looking now at bohyuk's confused face.

"mingyu, you said to me wonwoo kept saying soonyoung's name, right?"

the aforementioned nodded, "yeah i did. why?"

"and do you know why he needed him so much? i mean it doesn't make sense, his bestfriend betrayed him, shouldn't him hate soonyoung right now?" bohyuk now stares at three detectives in front of him, totally clueless. this question also played on mr. jeon's head because he also looked up to the three men, curiosities building higher and higher.

"uh.." hansol was now anxious, looking at the other two older, who was feeling exactly the same. should they tell? but what if they will not accept? what if wonwoo will get mad? but all the thoughts soon dissolved as seungcheol speaks up again. "h-he was wonwoo's boyfriend before..." he was hesistant, but he need to tell. it's the only way for this case to be solved.

mr. jeon gasped, eyes wide while bohyuk choked on air. "b-boyf-friend?" wonwoo's brother asked again, and the detectives nodded. mr. jeon hold his head, felt his migraines coming back up to his heads. his son is gay? what? he tried to calm himself and took a deep breath.

" i-i see..."

"are you okay, mr. jeon?" mingyu asked out of concerns after seeing the older's breath suddenly raged, holding his temple. the latter only nodded, sitting back properly. "now i understand why he's like that." bohyuk sighed again.

mingyu felt the tense from earlier cools down after knowing wonwoo's family are not opposed to his sexuality, "but there is something wrong though." mingyu said again. "back at the hideout, wonwoo mentioned junhui, minghao and jihoon. do you remember? the guys from party your ex handled before.

hansol look down onto his lap. "o-oh you mean seungkwan?" he didn't look at mingyu, but the other can sense the bitterness inside his tone. mingyu bit his lip. he didn't meant to brought that up, but he accidentally did. "yeah, i remember. but we lost contact with them years ago. why wonwoo brought them up though ?" hansol looked at mingyu.

"who's this junhui, minghao and jihoon you guys were talking about?" mr. jeon lift his eyebrow in confusion.

"they're our friends- or acquaintances, i don't know- but wonwoo mentioned their names before i dragged him outside of the hideout. i think they are related to this case,"

both people in front of the three nodded together, understanding the situations.

"so we are here, to ask your permissions for this investigation, sir." seungcheol sat straight, eyes full of hope. without any thoughts, mr. jeon nodded his head, "yes, yes of course you can. please proceed-" the three of them sighed in relief. "- and also three of you, thank you. thank you so much. i didn't know how to repay your kindness for taking care of my son, while i'm here, busy with my job."

"sir." seungcheol smiled. "you are already a good dad, wonwoo always talked how he wished to be a brave man like you. and you were like a father to us too, and we were thankful for that." mingyu and hansol nodded enthusiastically, while smiling so fondly. "and wonwoo is our friends, of course we don't mind taking care of him."

mr. jeon finally laughed a little. "that feels better."

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