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❝ 𝚏𝚒𝚟𝚎 : 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢 ❞


wonwoo was beaten down.

the last time he saw his team , was approximately 3 hours ago- god, he didn't even care about that at this point. it was already night, the sun hiding it's own figure behind, while stars blaring through the skies. it was a pretty sight, but of course, wonwoo hasn't noticed any of this. they all were brought to the god-knows-where warehouse, wait- it can't even called warehouse, actually. with the building structures bigger than hansol's mansion, heck, it can even be called as real castle. the room wonwoo was in now was totally dark, pitch black surrounding him.

" fuck." muttered wonwoo under his own breath after feeling the pain in his legs doesn't reduce, but the bleeding stings the leg more, adding the pain through his body. he shivered again, after the memories from five years ago flooding his mind, his thoughts. this is why he hated darks. it makes him think, it makes him remembering soonyoung, the boy he once loves.


a mention of the boy's name froze wonwoo's whole body. he didn't heard those names for years, of course he never forgets him. soonyoung was his first love, the only boy he liked, the only boy who kissed him-

no wonwoo no ! don't think about him again for fucking sake ! he left you remember ?! he fucking left you.

but as wonwoo was drowning in his own thoughts, he didn't noticed the tears already running down his cheeks. it's .... too much. it's already too much for him. he loved soonyoung wholeheartedly but what is this ? after being left just like that, now he was locked up in some house or probably a castle he didn't know where? seeing again the boy he love, the boy he admired so so much is now a mafia? he never wants this. he's regretting now, regretting his decisions to falling in love with soonyoung.

the door opens

wonwoo choked back his sobs, holding back his feelings. he need to be cold. be cold ! a once pitiful stares, tearing eyes are now deadly gazes, so cold and dangerous. " let me go, bitchass." wonwoo can't see the man who entered, but he knew. he knew this aura. he can sense it. it's him

it's soonyoung.

giggles erupting the empty big room, echoes through the whole darkness. if it's not soonyoung, wonwoo has to admit- this is some scary shit movies, but no. he knew who is this. he knew it too well.

"fuck you." wonwoo snickered, trying to hold back his feelings. he's not weak. he's a police for goodness sake ! he's a detective with a badge in his pocket. he can't be weak.

soonyoung, who heard all of the curses throwing at him, snorts loudly. "is this how you greet me after not seeing me for five years?" his little laugh turning loud, triggered a nerve inside wonwoo's body.

"a bitchass like you? a nice greet? fuck off." wonwoo rolled his eyes, annoyed with the state he was in. tied, bleeding, in pain, and mostly, alone with his first love, soonyoung.

"woah, since when my soft innocent baby know how to curse? that's impressive."

wonwoo clicked his tongue, holding back his anger flowing inside his veins. just how fucking dare soonyoung called him with that pet name? " shut the fuck up and let me and my team go before someone come here and kill you and your asses down." his eyes were cold, showing no interest to fight. wonwoo was hurting inside, feeling weak at his knees-

goddamn it wonwoo ! you and your thoughts! fucking stop already ! the man in front, this fucking man doesn't care about you so stop ! stop stop stop !!

soonyoung giggled more, annoyed with the younger's actions. "you must've missed me right? let me turn on the lights."

before wonwoo could protest, the 'click' sound was heard. he shut his eyes closes, as the sudden lighting blinding him since he was staying in the dark for a really long time. just when wonwoo felt his eyes were slightly comfortable, he opened it slowly, so painfully slow until it went wide after meeting with soonyoung's face. their faces were so close, just an inches closer for their noses to touch. wonwoo's breath hitched, feeling the oxygen left his body while the lump stuck inside his throat. he feel, down there in his body, his heart was beating again. wonwoo's heart was beating.

there, there again the stares. the stares wonwoo missed so much. the white light shoved down their faces make it clearer how soonyoung looks. his hair was dyed maroon, and wonwoo saw soonyoung now has some piercing on his both ears- but that's not the point. wonwoo, once again was starstruck with soonyoung's gaze. the intense stares he missed so much. but no, this one, is not the soonyoung he once loved. it's not the same person. this person is a monster, disguise in an expensive suits.

just as how much he hated it, wonwoo averted his gaze away. he can't look at the eyes, those eyes again. it was painful, to remember those memories again.

soonyoung's lifted his left side lips a little, showing his cocky smirks. "i missed those eyes too, sweetheart." he giggled, before shuffling into the chair in front of wonwoo. soonyoung sat there, crossing his legs as he stares again to the flustered boy.

"now, let's get started, shall we?"

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