Chapter Two: Bored

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A/N  Funny quote huh? Be ready for s'more.

Goldy's P.O.V 

Great. Another boring day.

Ughhhhhhhhhh. Why is Everyday sooooooooo boring! No new video games  and Chip is always sleep'in. Unicorn...he's always on patrol! Let me see if Rya-  Rya- Ryan. Tina. Tony. Kat. Everyone. I forgot. They- Ther- I wonder if Unicorn has thought of them... Especially Ryan.. Ryan's his 2nd Best Bud. I'll wait to through the answer at him. Just becau- *Door opens*

*By the way, The door that is being opened is Goldy's Bedroom Door*

UCM's P.O.V 

*opens door* Goldy? I noticed that you weren't down stairs so I came up here and heard some talking coming from your room.. you ok?

"Oh..Should of told you. And yes, I'm fine."

It's fine, you don't worry. I'm just glad that your safe.


Goldy..Are you sure that your ok?

" I'm....I'm bored man!"

*laughs a little* Why didn't you just text me?

"Wha- Hey! Well, I-I- didn't want to text you and u be fighting somebody.."

Hey. Don't Worry about that. Patrol's been a total bust anyways...

"Oh..Well then why you still go out there!"

Because who knows when there's gonna be some crime

"your right..."

So, since your bored, Play some video games? I got a new one on the way here!

"OOOOO! Yesss!"

Aaaaaaand I save the day again!  

Goldy's P.O.V

Man he's always saving the day!  

Hey bud! Do you know when i'm bored or something?! Because you come in at the perfect time!

"Well, I guess  it's just timed perfectly!"

Ya.  I guess.

A/N  Hey guys! So when the text goes Bold Slanted that means there thinking. When the text has  this " in front and behind means that the other person is talking. It's to clarify! Don't Forget to Avenger on!

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