Chapter Twenty-Two: At the Factory...

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A/N  This is going to be short.....I think.....I was kind-of hoping for this one to be a short-story. We will see...

Also, when the mysterious person is talking, i will change their name to been Unknown when they talk. Just so you can tell the difference between them Texting and Talking.

_At the Factory_

Unknown: ahh yes, everything to my plan is going correctly! No super-hero to take me down! mUAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHH!! Thats right! The Super-hero is HERE! WITH ME! He should wake up anytime know.....

Unicorn: Wha- What? Huh? Where a i?! Who are you?! WHY AM I LOCKED UP IN A GLASS BOX AND CHAINED TO THE WALLS!?

Unknown: Good to see you awake too. I'm not answering those questions. 

Unicorn: WHY NOT!

Unknown: Because, They stay like a secret like you, Unicornmann...

Unicorn: Wha- HEY! I NEED ANswe---

Unknown: That's right, go back to sleep....Friend...

A/n   DUHHH DUHH DUNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!! This is really a short story. What i wanted it to be. Well, this chapter....I feel awkward right know.....

Avenger on!!

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