Chapter Twenty-Eight: Time for answers..

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Almost to 30 chapters!!

Nobody's P.O.V

It's been a couple days since Unicorn's mad break out. Ryan has Goldy keeping him updated on Unicorn. He's calm down but still hasn't processed the info and everything. Ryan had told him what happened since he was, you know, hypnotized. Uni just couldn't keep in the anger and, it was, understandable that he broke out being mad. Let's hope that Tina has a good story or hers and Unicorn's Friendship may have just been ruined....

Ryan's P.O.V

TeaMan: Hey Tina, let's meet up at Uni and Goldy's house today.

TeaKettle: Ok...Shouldn't we wait one more day tho?

TeaMan: oh.....No. I think it'll be fine. Plus, it's been three days since the he broke down into madness. I just think it'll be better if he hears this part himself. Plus, we want to know why yo- i mean, rude, fake-you just kidnapped Unicorn and had us solve riddles i think it was...

TeaKettle: ... If you say so, and ya i agree. And it's fine, and sorry about that again...

TeaKettle: Also, what time?

TeaMan: oh, if you say so bro. Ummmm....Lunch? Lunch sounds like a good time. 

TeaKettle: Ya, Lunch i can do. 

TeaMan: Cool. Also, he's in his lab. 

TeaKettle: Wait, he has a lab underneath the house? Never-mind, he's Unicorn. 

TeaMan: Ya? He had a lab underneath the daycare? Remember?

TeaKettle: Oh ya....been a while....

TeaMan: Ya......See ya there. 

TeaKettle: WAIT! Why'd you tell me that he was in his lab?

TeaMan: Oh, well, incase you wanted to try to talk to him you'd know where he was. Plus, he's been in there for a while now.....All day yesterday and today. Haven't seen him leave. 

TeaKettle: Oh...Thanks. See ya Cutie~

TeaMan: S-see ya.

Tina's P.O.V

Man...i shouldn't have touched that look where it got me. I've probably just lost an friendship with a super-hero... It.....felt like it......was...pulling me towards it....Huh. I'm just weird and different i guess...Well, i should probably get ready for later..

Unicorn's P.O.V  (Sorry for the many P.O.V changes)

Great. Now what to do with this crown. All it's been doing is sitting in this glass box. *Sigh* Great. All i can do is examine it on the outside. 

Goldy: Hey Bud! How ya doing? How ya feeling?

I'm fine......good.

Goldy: Oh..working on that again?


Goldy: Do you know what it does?

No...The only person that knows what it does is Ti--

Goldy: ya.....Ti- her......


Goldy: Hey, it's alright. Look, i know, you broke out mad and everything bu- Listen, ok? My point is that everyone was mad. Tina didn't know that this crown had powers or whatever is in it//on it. Plus, shes your friend. 

I know....I know.....It's just....needs to process..

Goldy: *Sigh* i know too..Think of it as Ryan. You wouldn't just abandon Ryan after years of being friends with him? Why Tina? Just......take note on that...Anyways, speaking of Ryan and Tina, There coming over for lunch. Tina's going to share her side of the story. Your always welcome to join. You might get answers too. 

Thanks.....Goldy....I'll think of considering it. Everything you had just said.

Goldy: ok.....Plus, i think Ryan wants to really see you too. Talk to you. He's actually over right now...

Ok. Send him down.

Ryan: Hey,


You wanted to talk?

Ryan:   Ahhh yes. You seem worried friend.

I-m not worried...

Ryan: ...

Ryan:   Oh really now?

Fine! I'm worried.

Ryan:  ' bout what?

What if HQ finds out that she was the one that kidnapped me! 

Ryan:   Why are you wor--


Ryan:     Chill man, sorry....

No, i'm sorry for yelling..

Ryan:   It's fiiiinnnneee......

*sighs* I just don't want Tina to suffer and go through what all the bad guys do when they go to HQ for lock up. I don't want to see her behind bars as well. 

Ryan:     Well, i understand but, what about the bad-guy part? Who's going to take the blame for that? You can't just show up and tell HQ that your back and then say i don't know who the bad guy is....Because if you do that then there going to do what-ever they can to find the bad person. 

Your right......and they'll find out soon enough that it's her.....

Ryan:   Well, maybe turn her in--

WHAT!?! I can't just do that Ryan!?

Ryan:   Let me finish please!

oh...go on.

Ryan:   Turn her in but say that she's a friend and didn't know that the crown would do that or even know that it had such powers. Maybe say that since she''s a friend, she has to have10 weeks behind glass or bars or what-ever you have at HQ.

You know, that's not a bad plan. Also, sometimes it's bars, others it glass. DEpends on who or what were dealing with.

Ryan:   makes sense. And thanks.

No problem man. Well, let's hear what Tina has to say.....

_To be continued_

I know i could of kept writing but i wanted to make you all have something  extra to look forward too in the next chapr.

Avenger on!!!

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