Chapter Ten: Is it really you?!?

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A/N    Edit* The book  hit 10 chapters!!!! yay!

Before we start......

To help you understand.

When there's no " around a sentence, that means who-evers P.O.V it is their talking.

When there is one " around a sentence, that means the #2 person is talking.

When there's double " around a sentence, that means person #3 is talking.

Blank of these " : Ryan's talking

One of these " : Sharks talking

Double of these " : Sabre/ChickenFace's talking.

Just to help ya understand.

Ryan's P.O.V 

Thanks for taking me out for lunch Shark!

" No problem"

""Hello? Excuse me?""

Yess? Hi?

Do i-we know you?

""Actually, yes."" ""You may not recolonize me at first...""


Umm , o k???

""Remember the name.....Chicken-face?""

how? Ya yess i do?


""It's me, ChickenFace.""

Annnnd how are we suppose to believe that?!

" Wait.......It can't...SABRE!??!

""That's me Shark!""

"OMG SABRE!!!!!"

Wha- WAIT!? IT'S YOU!!!

""Yess it's me.""

You've changed!!!! 

"I didn't even recolonize you!!"

Me either!

""I know that it's been so long!"

"Were'd you go!"

""Long story.....""

Sooooooooooo, were'd you live?

""Actually i'm visiting the town.""


Huh? What'd ya mean?

""I leave tomorrow....""


"Awwwwww man!"

Man dude. I thought we could do some bud time.

""I mean we could still"" ""I don't leave until 12:00 PM Tomorrow.""

"Well, lets go do stuff!"

Let's go!!

A/N    Avenger on!!!

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