Chapter Three: Are you sure that you ok?

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A/N    Get the funny quotes? I hope so..

No body's P.O.V

Days past and Unicorn's starting to worry 'bout Goldy. She hasn't herself lately...

UCM's P.O.V 

Hey Goldy.

" Ya bud? "

Are you sure that your ok??

" I'm fine bud "

Hmm because you look like you need/ want to talk about something.

" No, I- I Fine. I need too.."

What's up? Hit me with it.

" Have you ever  wondered how Ryan, Tina and everyone else and what the've been up too?

. . . 

" i'm Sorry "

No it's fine. I'm glad you said something. 

Because...I have been thinking about them. Especially Ryan..

" Unicorn.....I I miss them! *Starts to cry*

Hey! Don't cry! I do to! How 'bout w get some ice-cream and then play video-games?

" Sure! Yay! "

She's so cute when she's happy! 

*With Ryan and Shark*

Ryan? Are you sure that your ok? You seem to be drifting into thought  more and more each day!

" I'm fine Shark. I'm just thinking of an......old.....friend.."

Well, if you don't mind, Who?

" Unicorn Mann "


" I'm just wondering how he is....How's Life other than being a superhero.."

Can't you text him?

" Well I don't know if it's still his number and what he's doing.."

Oh. Your right..He could be fighting bad guy..

A/N     I thought that I would add Shark & Ryan into this. It just fell short so I added them in. Even tho it's still short.   -_-   Avenger on peeps!

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