Chapter Fourteen: Have you wondered?

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A/N    I HAVE FINISHED IT!!! I had started it yesterday and then published it so you would get a little info on what's coming. Now it's done. Hope u like it..

No body's P.O.V

Ryan went over to Unicorn and Goldy's House. UCM and Ryan caught up with each other. Goldy just sat in a corner and played CraftMine.  It started to get towards the end of the day and Ryan had to leave. they decided to set up plans for a hang out. maybe even try to get Tina if they could find her. Or it be just the tree of them. 

Anycat, After Ryan left.

After having diner....


Hey goldy?

" Ya?" ever wondered what the daycare looks like now?

" ... "

" Not.....really...."


" Why? "

it came to mind. I'll ask and see what Ryan thinks.

" Ok. "


UnicornBoi: Hey Ryan?

TeaDude: Ya?

UnicornBoi: Have you ever wondered what the daycare looks like?

TeaDude: ... 

TeaDude: Now that you say it...

UnicornBoi: What?

TeaDude: I really want to know..!

UnicornBoi: Maybe we could go back to the daycare as part of our hangout!

TeaDude: Sounds like a good idea! Have you told Goldy?

UnicornBoi: Well, not about going back to it as part of our hangout.

TeaDude: Dude are you worried to tell her? I can hear the worry-ness in your typing..

UnicornBoi: No, it's just that when i mentioned the daycare she kind-of sounded, i don't know, not interested? Something like that? Worried?

TeaDude: Oh. Tell her about our plan and then see how she reacts. If she all of that then ask her why....?!

UnicornBoi: That could work? Thanks man.

TeaDude: No prob.  dude.


Still UCM's P.O.V

Hey Goldy?

" Hmm hm?"

When we planned our hang out with Ryan, Me and Ryan talked about, like right now, about going back to the daycare? And w- I wanted to know if you wanted to go with us?

" Sure Bud."


" What?"

You just don't sound excited.....

" I am. Just tired."

Oh. Ok.

" Want to play Craftmine?"

Sure thing!


A/N   I hope you enjoy some texting that's going on in this book! I decided that i would add some since i have ended my book...I'm sorry again for doing that... Hope you enjoy the bit that's in here!

Sorry it be soooo short.....Avenger on!

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