Chapter Eleven: Already?

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Ryan's P.O.V

Man I had soooo much fun yesterday!

"Me too."

Man I wish he didn't have to go today...

" I know...."

"Here, let me text him.."



SharksCool: Hey man.

LightSabre: Hey.

SharksCool: What's up?

LightSabre: Nothing much. I already packed my bags.

SharksCool: K. What to hang out over here?

LightSabre: Sure. 

SharksCool: What time do you sadly leave again?

LightSabre: 12:00 in the afternoon.

SharksCool: Oh ok. Thanks man. 

LightSabre: You prob.

SharksCool: See ya over here.

LightSabre: See ya.


"He's coming over here to hang out"

Cool. I'm down with that.

What time does he leave again?

" 12:00 in the AFN."

K. Got it.

What shall we do when he get's here?

" Video-Games?

Heck ya! 

__Time skip brought to you byyyyyy, TEAAAAAASSSSSSS___

Shark's P.O.V


""Man I wish i didn't have to go,""

"We both too." "Right Shark?"

Ya man. 

""Well, I better be going.""

"Alright, stay in touch!"

Ya, we need too.


""Bye bros""

" Bye dude"

After Sabre leaves

Ryan's P.O.V

Dang it! I forgot to ask him.

"Ask him what?"

If he, you know, seen or by a chance ran into unicorn or Goldy or both...

"Your still on about them?"

Well, they are my friends! 

"True, true."

" You can text him?"

Well not while he's driving!

" Right, right."

" But maybe on the plane?"

Ya, I guess....

The end

I'm joking.

When Sabre's on the plane..

LightSabre: Hey guys, I'm on the plane.

TeaYan: You are? Great!

SharksCool: Dude that's lit.

TeaYan: I've been needing to ask you a question Sabre..

LightSabre: Ya my dude?

TeaYan: Did you by any chance seen or run into unicorn or Goldy?

*SharksCool has left the chat*

LightSabre: Actually, yes.

TeaYan: YOU DID?!

LightSabre: Ya, I had lunch with them.

TeaYan: I thought Unicorn didn't like you..

LightSabre: He doesn't...

TeaYan: Can you tell me where they are?!

LightSabre: Well, I don't know where they live but I have Goldy's Number!

TeaYan: oh. Cool! can I get it?

LightSabre: Ya I guess. Here: ******************

TeaYan: Thanks man.

LightSabre: No prob.

Now, it's the end...

Avenger on!

The only reason this seems long is because of the spaces.. still short... T_T

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