Chapter Fifteen: The Daycare....

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A/N So for the chapter before the title was originally HANG OUT! But then i changed it to Have you wondered? because the second title fit the chapter more. Sorry for confusion.


Today's the day we go back to the daycare.. Well, you know, visit it to see what it looks like. Were going to meet Ryan there. He said us to. No Tina. Which means we couldn't find he. Im'a go get Goldy.

Goldy's P.O.V

I don't know!  I don't know if i want to go..see the daycare again.. But i really want to! Never mind my thoughts, i'ma go. For my friends!

*Opens bedroom door*

Oh hey bud!

" Hey Goldy. I was going to come get you to go. "

Wow look at that! I was already at the door!

" WOW! But we really need to go. "



" Chuckles a little "

__At the Daycare__

Ryan's P.O.V

Where are they? There late.  Hmm...They could live far away....Na...maybe. Actually i don't know. Well, there here.

" Hey Ryan! Sorry were late!"

It's fine i guess..

"" Sorry man, "

Hi to you too guys.

""Sorry! Hi Ryan! ""

" Hi."

Hi Goldy and Unicorn.

Both: Hi

We didn't come here to give hi's we came here for the daycare so let's get inside already.

" Right."


Wow. It.....'s so..........old and ruined looking!


... What do i say? like we went here!

Goldy's P.O.V's.....what happened to it? 

The End of chapter.

Here's the description of what there looking at.

The Daycare: The windows are boarded up, The blue/white paint is wearing off in some parts, the entrance is also boarded up, it's over grown, vines everywhere on the building, Some windows on the used-to-be bedrooms windows are broken. The path to the daycare is broken in some parts. The fountains are over grown with vines instead of water. The grass is tall. No lights in the inside from what you see from the windows on the outside. 

Do you want me to try to do a drawing of it? Let me know..because i have nothing else to do. 

Sorry that these chapters are soooo short..

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