°●°○°~Chapter 7~°●°○°

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Taehyung let his head fall into his hands in anger. "I think we should take her and hide her or something because if we keep her here they will surely find her or you could just go and marry that girl" suggest jungkook leaning on the door.

Huh.... Tae... Will marry someone else..

You broke away from your thoughts and stood up looking Taehyung dead in the eye trust me if looks could kill, he would be dead right now. "Can you tell me.. What is going on??? Please" you spoke with desperation getting the best of your emotions.

Taehyung ignore you and moved right past while jungkook and jimin looked at you with an apologetic face but their innocent looks didn't last long and they turned stone cold when Taehyung looked at them.

"JHOPE COME HERE NOW!!" growled Tae banging on the wall. You heard fast footsteps approaching and the sunshine boy was there... But no shining smile just... A cold stren look on his face. "Yes sir" he spoke without any type of expression or even emotion in his voice just robotic and hallow.

"You will take yn to your guys house and all of you will take great care of her if anything happens contact me immediately." he ordered them, looking at each of them like a wolf staring into their soul and their darkest fears.

"Wait bu-" you spoke up. "But nothing!" hushed Tae. You put your head down like a puppy and J-hope motioned for you to follow him. You walked to him But before you stepped foot out of that office Taehyung pulled you into a hug and whispered "I'm sorry baby.. I'm so so sorry."
He let go of you and turned around and through some type of black magic he was a stranger to you again...

J-hope pulled out of the room and walked you to his black 4 by 4 BMW, the car looked ordinary from outside but when you got in there were bits of gun powder and knifes everywhere.

"Sorry about the mess" he said starting the enchine and beginning the journey. "Oh it's fine" your voice broke and you turned your body to the window, to hide your teary eyes.

"Heyy cupcake you okay??" he gave you sunshine ☀ boy vibes again. "I don't know..." you replied through muffled sobs.
"Look boss has been my friend for as long as I remember and he has never been so happy with a girl since his first love" he said happily.

"Oh.. I make him that happy?" you asked in disbelief 🤨. "Yep" he chirped back.

"But... Why won't he tell me what's going on??? Can you tell me??" you begged trying to make the cutest face.

"The puppy face don't work on me, I've killed people that gave me that face" he laughed in the cutest way after saying something so threatening.

You sank back in your seat. "Y/n I would have helped you but... I cant risk getting shot at by boss.. Again" he said turning back to a cold criminal in seconds.

"What do you mean again?? I swear you guys are like bestfriends?" you asked puzzled by confusion. "Each one of us has been shot by him at one point but he apologised and cried for doing so, and we forgave him because well he is our best friend and he saved us from our misery and brought us into this family." he said with a smile plastered on his face yet his voice suggest something else other than happiness.

It has been like 3 hours and you were finally going into some underground parking lot in front of a huge mansion. Once parked you were met by about 20 cars of like each colour.

These boys are filthy Rich, thinking this money comes from drugs and dead bodies is just disgusting.

"Let's go" he gestured and you followed of course. You two climbed up a spiral of marble stairs when you got to the top J-hope scanned his finger print and then the machine popped out and scanned his eyes.

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