The Advice

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Todoroki POV:

I lay on my bed thinking about the events from the Sports Festival.

'How did he do it? How did 5 words get me to use my fire? Midoriya. You truly have a talent in helping people. I'm glad that I can consider you as a friend.' I smile at the thought.

There is someone else I've wanted to become friends with since the year started.

Momo Yaoyorozu.

I might need some advice on how to open a conversation.

I go to Midoriya's room to see if he's there. I need advice on how to become friends with her.

I knock on his door but no one answers.

I then go downstairs to see if he might be there.

When I get there, I see Ashido taking a nap on Kirishima's lap. Kaminari doing...some kind of dance with Sero. 'Why are they swinging their arms around their legs?'(Floss dance. Hate Fortnite) And Yaoyorozu is reading a book far away from the idiots.

I go over to Kirishima to ask where everyone is.

"Hey, Kirishima? Where is Midoriya?"

He looks up from his.

"He and Uraraka are visiting their parents. So is everyone that isn't down here. Except for Bakubro. He's in his room. When I asked him why he didn't want to see his parents, he just responded, 'keep that witch way from me.'"

'Shit. I guess I have no choice.'

"I guess I have no choice now. I need your help with something."

He gives me a puzzled look.

"Sure. What's up?"

I whisper to him so Yaoyorozu can't hear me.

"I need help with becoming friends with Yaoyorozu."

Then Ashido pops up like she wasn't even sleeping at all.

"TODOROKI! YOU WANNA BE FRIENDS WITH-" I put my hand over her mouth to shut her up.

"Shut up. I don't want it to be weird. I'm not a very social person. It wasn't until a few days ago that I actually made a friend. I was going to ask him for advice, but he's not here, and I don't want to possibly interrupt him while he's with his parents."

"That's understandable. Don't worry. We're here to help you." Mina says pointing at herself with her thumb.

"Yeah. And we'll help too." I turn and see Kaminari say with Sero behind him.

'Oh dear God, no.'

"Listen. I know we're not very smart, but we're also some of the most social people in this class. By the end of this day, you will have a new friend, Prince Zuko." Sero says confidently.

'I've made a terrible mistake.'

"Listen. What you wanna do is be manly. Go up to her and show off your manliness."

'My manliness, huh? I think I get it.'

I go up to Yaoyorozu and get her attention.

"Oh hey Todoroki. What do you need."

I take off my shirt.

"This is my manliness."

She turned red and just ran off.

"Maybe I should've done the other manliness."

Ashido POV:

'Oh my poor, dumb child.'

The Fire That Made Me (Izuocha) (Collaboration with : @UmmeZainab4)Where stories live. Discover now