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I'm sorry this was supposed to be posted Thursday. I thought it went up, but I guess it didn't. Sorry.

Before we start I have to say something.

HOW THE HELL DID I GET OVER 100 READS ON THIS DAMN STORY?! Thank you to those who like my story. I've really enjoyed writing this story so far. Now to the story

Izuku POV:

After the last couple of days, we held a class election for a President and Vice President. I won being the President, but I gave it to Iida because he's more qualified than I am.

There was also a break in by reporters, somehow getting past the security door. It was quickly resolved by the teachers.

Right now, I'm in class waiting for Mr. Aizawa to get here.

I can't wait to hear about what we're going to do today. Aizawa said we were going to do some special training today.

As I try to think of what we're doing, Aizawa comes in with his sleeping bag.

"Alright brats, quiet down. Today we're going to do some rescue training. You'll be watched over by me, All Might, and a rescue hero. We'll also be going to a special training area for this. Now get your costumes, and go outside. There'll be a bus waiting for us." Aizawa instructs us.

"Rescue training. Awesome. Ochako, you'll ace this training because of your quirk." I compliment Ochako.

"Thanks, Izuku. I can't wait to see who our rescue teacher is."

"I hear talking when you should be moving." Aizawa says in his sleeping bag.

"Sorry." Ochako and I say.

We changed into our costumes and get onto the bus waiting for us.

"Hey, Midoriya." I turn and see that Asui was talking to me.

"Oh. Hey, Asui."

"Please. Call me, Tsu."

"O-oh. Okay. Tsu. So what's up?"

"I noticed something about your quirk in your fight with Bakugo. It looked like you had another quirk, one that's pretty similar to All Might's."

I panic internally.

"Oh, r-really. I n-never noticed." 

"No, Tsu. All Might's quirk doesn't have that electricity stuff around him." Kirishima comes in.

Thank you, Kirishima.

"I, guess you're right. But I guess that it doesn't matter since you were still able to beat Bakugo. I doubt he would ever become a good hero."

"WHAT WAS THAT FROG FACE?!" Kacchan yells at Tsu.

"She saying that you're personality is a combination of vomit and trash." Kaminari says to an angery Kacchan.

"You want to die, extra!" 

It worked.

"Bakugo, sit down!" Iida tries to get Kacchan to calm down.

We finally get to our destination, and I notice that the Pro rescue Hero is the Space Hero: Thirteen."

"Wow it's Thirteen. She's like my favorite hero." (AN: I know Thirteen's gender is androgynous. Don't get mad at me.)

"Yes, class. Today we will be doing rescue training at this special facility. The 'Unforseen Simulation Joint' or the USJ."

'Just like Universal Studios Japan.'

The Fire That Made Me (Izuocha) (Collaboration with : @UmmeZainab4)Where stories live. Discover now