The Hero Killer

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Izuku POV:

Me,Ochako,and Iida are heading to the train station to go to our internships.

I'm interning at All Might's friend's:Gran Torino.

Ochako is interning at the Battle Hero:Gunhead.

And Iida is interning at Normal Hero:Manuel's office,for some reason.

"Hey,Iida.Are you okay?We're your friends.We're here for you." I asked since I read what happened to his brother.

"I'm fine.I just need to do this internship and I'll be back as good as new." He says as he gave a composed smile,going off to his train afterwards.

'I want to believe him,but I'm not sure,I kind of have an eerie feeling about it...'

I look over and see my train.

"I guess this is where we part ways.I'll see you when I get back.You better be able to kick anyone's butt when I get back." I smirked as Ochako snorted,"And you better not die from All Might's friend."


I give her a peck on the lips.

"See you later. Love you."

"Bye,Izuku. Love you too."


I get to the address that All Might gave me and I see a dilapidated building. I can only wonder how scary this guy is,since he made that All Might shake in fear!

I open the door to see...

I open the door to see

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"I'm alive"


He gets up after giving me a heart attack.

"I slipped and spilled my sausages.How clumsy of me.Who are you?"

'Seriously.He wanted me here and doesn't know my name?'

"Izuku Midoriya. From UA."

He looks at me.


The Fire That Made Me (Izuocha) (Collaboration with : @UmmeZainab4)Where stories live. Discover now