The Epilogue

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Hey I'm back. I know it's been forever, but here I am. I was trying to think about how I want to end this, how to make the epilogue. Here it is. The last chapter of  The Fire That Made Me.

This is 5 years after they graduate.

Izuku POV:

I wake up very tired after yesterday's mission. I feel a weight on me and see my beautiful wife. She still looks amazing even when she's tired.

'I should get the coffee ready. She's worse than Kacchan when she doesn't get her coffee.' I shiver thinking about what happened last time she didn't get her coffee.

I manage to break her grip on me so I can get to the kitchen. I look at the wall and reminisce about the past. The first picture on the wall is a picture of me winning the Sports Festival. The prize I got from that will always be something I treasure. And the medal was nice too, I guess. The second picture is our graduation photo. And the last one is our wedding. That was easily the  best day of my life.

I finally get to the kitchen after my nostalgia trip and prepare the coffee.

I go to the couch and turned on the TV to see the news. I wanna know what's new in the world of heroes.

"And, as of yesterday, another League of Villains sub group was defeated and arrested by number one hero Deku and number two hero Ground Zero. Thanks to these two, the League of Villains is closer to never causing trouble in Japan again." The news anchor says.

I hear the door from our room open and Ochako comes in wearing one of my All Might shirts. 'She looks so cute in my shirts.'

She doesn't say good morning and heads straight for the coffee. It's like she's under the coffee's control and doesn't gain consciousness until she drinks it.

She makes her way over to me and sets the coffee on the table. "Morning, handsome." She says joyfully. "Morning, beautiful." I make room for her to sit down. She lays down with her head resting on my shoulder. We stay cuddled like this for a while until she needs to get ready for work. Kacchan and I got the day off so we could recuperate from our fight yesterday.

I start my daily workout routine that would've made the younger me want to die. I get bored and decide to visit some of my friends to see how they're doing. I go to Ejiro and Mina's place first. They live pretty close, so it won't take longer than 5 minutes.

I knock on their door and Kirishima opened the door. He decided to sport a goatee after high school. He even changed the design of his mask so he can make room for his facial hair. "Yo Midoribro. What's up?"

"I just came to see how you were doing. It's been a while since Ochako and I visited."

"Izuku. It's been a week since you visited." He says deadpanned.

"Okay. I was bored and needed to get out of the house since I had the day off." I say blatantly.

"All you needed to do was say so. Come in. Hey, Mina! Izuku's here!" Eijiro says to his wife.

"Great! I'll be there in a little bit after I change Otoko." Mina shouts from their baby's room.

I walk inside and take a seat on their couch. Eijiro brings him some tea, which I gladly accept. "So how's Okoto doing?" 

Eijiro gives a huge smile. "He's great! The other day he was able to copy my manly poses! He's going to be an even more manly hero than I am!" He says like his kid won a Nobel. "That's good to hear." Just then Mina comes in. Her hair grew longer since graduation, so it's down to her shoulders. "Hey, Izuku. Congratulations on your big win yesterday. If you get a day off from defeating a sub group from the League of Villains, imagine what you'll get from taking the whole thing down!"

The Fire That Made Me (Izuocha) (Collaboration with : @UmmeZainab4)Where stories live. Discover now