Authors Note 10/21

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So to start off. I had these chapters written for a while but I kept editing them on paper and yeah. I decided to put something exciting in finally. You get to see who the enemy potentially is finally. And Anna will be back soon, in the next few chapters. The current relationship between Alric and Isabella doesn't look so good atm with them not able to stand each other. A lot of the story is still be changed, and rewritten on where I want this to go and end up.

Also feedback is nice, and if you notice anything that is quite obvious and doesn't sound right let me know so I can edit that to make it more better since I haven't found a friend willing to edit my chapters for me before I publish.

And any ideas for what to happen you think I should use just lemme know cause I am kinda at a road block again... Thanks for reading and following me!

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