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AUTHORS NOTE: 1k reads, already!? amazing! I love you guys and I'm glad you're enjoying the story! I have many chapters in the draft and I'm so excited for you guys to read it!

four. SKIP DAY

THE two young adults laid in bed in the most messiest form

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THE two young adults laid in bed in the most messiest form. Billy was laid out like a starfish while Phoebe's legs were intertwined with one of his. Her head rested on his bare chest and her left arm was wrapped around his waist. The sheets were completely covering Phoebe while Billy had none. The young girl looked like a little baby cuddle beside Billy.

The first to wake up between them was Billy. He was shocked to see the blonde laid up against him. Billy wanted to remove her from his side, but he stared at her longer. She looked so peaceful and effortlessly beautiful.

"How the hell did we end up like this?" He asked himself, in a low voice not wanting to wake up Phoebe.

Billy shook away the heartfelt feelings and tried to move from underneath her. Phoebe moans and tighten her grip around his waist. He groans and throws his head back, a little annoyed.

Phoebe felt movement going on underneath and her eyes fluttered open. She finds that her head isn't laying underneath something soft, but hard. She went to move her hand and feels it grazing over a skin texture. Her eyebrows knitted together and she lifted her head up to meet with a pair of blue eyes. Phoebe gasped and shot up from her sleeping position.

"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry!" She quickly apologizes. "You could've woke me up if you were uncomfortable." She whispers, embarrassed.

"I didn't want to ruin your peaceful sleep," Billy replies. He sits himself up and throws his legs off the bed. "Also, thank you for stealing all the blanket too."

Phoebe looks down at herself and sees that the blankets were wrapped around her as if she was a caterpillar in a cocoon. She buries her face in her hands and releases a sigh. "I'm sorry."

"It's whatever." Billy says, "if you wanted to cuddle you could've just told me, princess." He then flirts with a smirk.

The girl's face grew red and she looks away from him. She didn't want to show him that his words flustered her. So she put on a tough act; she folded her arms across her chest and huffed. "That was not my intention. I just somehow ended up like that." She remarks, "I tend to move a lot when I sleep." Phoebe honestly had no idea how she ended up like that. She never did that when she shared a bed with Hopper or Eleven, sometimes Johnathan and Will. She still does move a lot, but she never ended up in a position like that. Phoebe does get really cold at night and the moment she awoke, she did feel the heat radiating off his warm body. Maybe that is how she ended up in the position.

Phoebe tried to create so many scenarios or reasons for how she ended up like that. Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt a piece of clothing slammed into her face.

TRANSFIGURATION ━ billy hargrove (stranger things) Where stories live. Discover now