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"Please come, Billy. I really want you there."

Phoebe held the phone line to her ear as she begged for her boyfriend to come to the snowball dance with her. It was a nice winter dance being thrown for the preteens of Hawkins. Hopper was allowing El to go and he wanted her to accompany her, but she knows the moment El steps into the place, she will ditch Phoebe for Mike.

"I really don't want to go to some little kids dance." Billy groans as he throws his head back in exaggeration.

"If you come, I'll give you a little treat later tonight." She persuades through the phone, while twirling the phone wire in her hand.

"You're going to be the death of me, Pheebs." Billy sighs, but he did enjoy Phoebe's treats. So he gave in to her manipulation. "I guess I'll go." He caved, "only if you wear that black little thing." He bit his bottom lip, thinking about her wearing it. She looks so desirable.

She rolls her eyes with a smile on her face. "Only for you, Hargrove. Be at my house at 6:30." She informs him.

"Okay, princess." He ends the call.

The blonde placed the phone on the holder and turns to see her father standing there. An angry and surprised look on his face. He heard their whole conversation - well, only Phoebes part which was as bad as Billys.

"What the hell was that?"

Phoebe pursed her lips, "what are you talking about?" She acted as if she didn't know what he was talking about, which did not work.

" 'A little treat', ring a bell?" He explains.

"It was just a way to get Billy to come to the dance with me later on. Nothings going to happen, dad." She lies, but playing it off very well.

"Fine." He says, "just-if something does happen, please use a condom." He parents. Phoebe scrunched her nose in disgust, "ew! Dad!"

"A condom?" A voice chimes. They both looked to the side to see El standing these with an innocent look on her face.

"Its nothing!" they both answer, quickly.

"You're too young to know what that is right now." Hopper informs as well. Phoebe chuckles while running a hand through her hair. "You know what; how about you girls go and start getting ready for tonight?" He suggests while pushing them into Phoebes' room.

"Hey, stop pushing." Phoebe laughs.

"No. Go and get ready." He repeats. He closed their bedroom door after he pushed them all the way into the room.

"So rude." Phoebe comments, flipping her hair behind her shoulder. El nods her head in agreement. "Are you excited for the dance?" Phoebe questions taking a seat on her bed. She crossed her legs together and waited for her younger sister reply.

TRANSFIGURATION ━ billy hargrove (stranger things) Where stories live. Discover now