Tickle Monster and Movies

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No ones POV

"You done eating kiddo?" Steve asks ruffling Wanda's hair. Wanda sadly shakes her head. "What's wrong? Do you not like mac and cheese?" He asks confused.

"tummy hurts." Wanda says putting another spoon of mac and cheese in her mouth, so she can watch the movies. "It wasn't that much.., but if your tummy hurts you can finish your food later." Clint says taking the food away from her.

"tank you Cwin." Clint hums in response.

"watch movies?" Wanda asked with a hint of excitement. "We'll all watch the movies after everyone is gets their food and blankets, I'm sure you want to bring your hawk with you?" Natasha replies. "Mhmm wove birdie." Wanda cuddles with the stuffed hawk.

"Do you have a name for the birdie?" Natasha asks. Wanda shakes her head no. "Well, you still have a long time to name your birdie, something will pop out. Why don't you go to Tony and Steve to pick out the movie. I'm sure they have some options for you." Natasha points to Steve and Tony who are still bickering. "otay Asha."

Wanda then toddles happily,babbling towards Steve and Wanda, clutching her hawk in one hand.

"we are watching Tangled first" "no absolutely not. We are watching Little Mermaid" "Yeah right" "there is no way we are watching Tangled. We watched that last week." "Yeah so? You weren't even watching with us."

Wanda landed on her butt with a plop in between Tony and Steve with an adorable and amused smile.

"Hey kiddo, how are you feeling?" Steve ask moving Wanda closer to him and Tony. "tummy hurt" she replies with a sad pout. "Well maybe just maybe, if we watch a good movie, it'll make your tummy feel a lot better." Tony says poking her stomach, causing her giggle almost falling backwards if it wasn't for Steve holding her back.

"So you're ticklish kid?" Tony says evilishly, to only Wanda of course, rubbing his hand together. "n-no" she squeaks. "Hmm you look a little ticklish to me. What if I poked you righttt here" Steve pokes Wanda in the rib. Wanda starting to laugh, but shut her mouth when she realized what she just did.

"So you are ticklish. Wait until I tell the evil tickle monsters, they would love some baby flesh." Tony smirks. "n-no tickle monstwer." Wanda says half scared half like she wants to laugh out loud.

"Too late." Steve exclaims and starts to tickle her ribs. She starts to laugh and squeal, flailing her arms and legs around, but that didn't help anything. "Hold up her arms Steve, I bet she's ticklish in her armpits." Tony says with a goofy smile.

"Sure, but be careful her back, it might hurt a bit still." Steve whispers to Tony, as he gave Wanda a 4 second break of his tickle torture.

"So Kid, are your armpits ticklish?" Tony asks with a smirk as Wanda tries to control her laughter. "N-no tonyyy no- ahahahaha" she burst into laughter and giggles as Tony tickles her sides and armpits.

After a couple of minutes, Tony stops to let Wanda breathe. "I thought you said you weren't ticklish?" Tony says. "n-no *breaths* ticklish hehe" Wanda giggles. "Are you sure? Tony switch. How about we see if your feet are ticklish." Steve suggests with an evil smile.

When Steve started to tickle her teeny tiny feet, Wanda starts to thrash around in Tony's soft, but firm hold, giggling and laughing so hard she that when she starts to heave, Steve stops.

"So are you going to admit your ticklish, or are we gonna have to call the tickle monsters again?" Steve asks Wanda with a playful look.

"N-noOo I ticklish. No more tickle." She squeals. "Okay then, was that so hard to say you were ticklish squirt?" Tony smirks releasing her arms. Wanda pants with giggles and and tries to sit up, only to fall back down, still giggling.

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