day two

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Nick Fury's POV

Man, these two better hurry from their mission. I can't believe I'm babysitting a baby avenger.

No ones POV

Wanda sat in her carrier in the back of the car with Bucky by her side. They made a compromise with Wanda saying if she was buckled in, it won't be as tight, but secure, and the windows will be a bit open for fresh air.

"Guess who we're going to see Wanda darling." Steve says from the driver's seat look at her through the mirror. "bub bub" she giggles. "No silly baby I'm right here." Bucky tickles her belly, making her laugh happily. "s'evie" she asks adorably. "You're so silly, Stevie's right there." Bucky tickles her again, making her laugh and him and Steve smile.

"Well, we're going to see-" "Grandpa!" Steve cut Bucky off excitedly. "Yes! Grandpa Fury!" Bucky snorts. "gan-papa?" she asks with a curious voice. "Yep! And I think he has something fun planned" Steve laughs, holding back a snort. hopefully he has something planned..

"no hit?" Wanda asks softly nervously fiddling with her fingers. "No! of course not. He is nice sweetie, there's nothing to be worried about. He helped us form a family." Bucky smiles reassuringly. "momee an' da-ee an' pieto me famwee, bu day no wan me no mo .. an' pieto big" she says quietly. "Well doll, your mommy and daddy didn't deserve you. You are so kind, smart and so beautiful. You need them to have a family, you have us." Bucky looks at Wanda with kind, sarrow eyes. "He's right Wanda." Steve says.

a moment of silence...

"can.. can ou.." Wanda begins to fidget as she tries to finish her sentence. "What is it doll?" Bucky asks concerned. "can ou be my famwee? mama, an' dada, an' pieto, an' unca bubby, an' unca s'evie, an' unca 'ony, unca' bwucie, unca' woodee, unca sammie, unca' tor, unca woe-ee, gan-papa-" Wanda babbles on, without taking a breath making her eyes sting.

"Breathe baby." Bucky soothes, taking her small hand and cupping it with two larger ones. "pease" she adds with a wobbly lip and puppy dog eyes. "Wanda, you already are family." Bucky smiles. "You've been our family since day one, since you came home with us, after Sokovia.." he whispers the last part.

"w-weally?" she asks with wide innocent eyes at Bucky. "Really sweetie. Now, you're going to have so much fun at grandpapa's house." Bucky says enthusiastically. "you gon s'ay wite?" she asks with a tilted head. "No darling we won't, we'll be gone for a little bit, but we promise we will come back. You're going to stay with your grandpapa for a couple of hours and we'll pick you up." Bucky explains.

"pinky-pwomise?" she sticks out her pinky. Bucky looks at Steve through the mirror, unsure. But with a look of Wanda, nervous, he sticks out it flesh hand and wraps his pinky around hers. "pinky promise."

"is grandpapa scary?" She bites her lip. "Grandpapa can be intimidating at first, but he is secretly really fun, you just have to poke the right spots." Steve explains.

"gandpapa wike pway me?" Wanda asks. "Hmm you're going have to ask him sweetheart, but I know he has a cat named Goose." Bucky ruffles her hair. "I wan' see kitty!" She gasps. "Well, we'll see them soon. We just got here." Steve stops the engine and unbuckles, Bucky does the same.

Since they were going into the Shield base and they wanted to keep a low profile, knowing there could be agents who are traitors secretly working for HYDRA, they keep their disguises on and Steve carries Wanda. "Okay sweetie, I'm going to need you to be quiet for a little bit. We want to walk in quietly because there are people doing important work. Here how about you rest with your hawkie for a little bit, it's going to take us a little while." Steve says softly, laying her head carefully on his shoulder, putting her hawk under her arm.

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