Ch. 3

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"Hey, Roman?" Patton knocked on the door. "Are you okay?"

It was the morning after, the weight of the argument still hung in the air.

Roman had yet to leave his room, which was bizarre since Roman was usually the first awake.

He would take the initiative to wake up Patton with a song, since alarm clocks weren't doing anything.

"I'm perfect, as per usual." Roman called through the door. "Do not fret."

It was Roman's voice, so why didn't it sound like him?

"Are you sure?" Patton asked. "We're about to eat breakfast."

"No Patt, I'm not--" Roman's voice was cut off. Patton felt his heart stop.

"...Roman...?" Patton called again.

Roman opened the door, smiling at Patton. "Shall we eat?" Roman asked.

Patton stared at him, examining every detail about Roman's expression. "Uh, yeah." Patton mumbled, narrowing his eyes and going down the stairs. Roman followed closely behind.

For some reason, Patton felt unsettled by Roman being out of his line of vision.

The two arrived at the dining table, where Logan and Virgil were already sat. Virgil didn't even glance in Roman's direction, crossing his arms.

Roman took his seat, looking at his plate. It was a standard breakfast, nothing too extravagant. Roman began eating.

Logan and Patton glanced at each other shortly, Logan nodding at the latter.

"So, what are Thomas' plans for today?" Patton asked, sitting down. Logan pushed up his glasses.

"I believe we have improv classes today." Logan said, looking at his notepad.

"Splendid!" Roman exclaimed, clapping his hands.

Virgil bit his lip. "I don't know...improv...? Isn't that kind of...embarrassing...?" Virgil mumbled.

"It'll be fun, Hot Topic! Imagine the creative freedom we'll have!" Roman beamed. Virgil was slightly stunned about how calmly Roman was speaking to him.

"Uh, I dont know...there's too many options on what to everyone will be staring at us..." Virgil played with the sleeves of his sweater.

"This could help Thomas become more social?" Logan shrugged. "Perhaps this is just what Thomas needs to face his fears?"

"We've had no problems with people staring at us before, why now?" Roman asked, crossing his arms. Virgil looked down.

"I don't know, we've never done improv before..." Virgil played with his fingers.

"Ah, pardon me." Roman stood up, everyone looking at him. "I must go brainstorm some improv ideas! Perhaps we could use them in a video?"

"Perhaps." Logan adjusted his tie.

Roman smiled and left the kitchen, returning to his room. He opened the door, closing it behind him.

He opened it and looked at the sleeping form of the real Roman. He stomped on the ground, jolting Roman awake. "Wake up, bro-bro!" He exclaimed.

Roman glared at him, shouting profanities behind the gag. The imposter walked over and removed the gag from his mouth. "You better have a good explanation for this, Remus." Roman hissed.

Remus giggled. "I knew you weren't a morning person, but YEESH." Roman rolled his eyes as Remus laughed in delight.

"Can I ask why I'm tied up in my closet?" Roman asked boredly.

"You were going to scream, so I gagged you." Remus shrugged.

"This room is soundproof, you dolt!" Roman snapped. Remus chuckled.

"You caught me, I just wanted an excuse to tie you up and gag you." Remus snickered. Roman rolled his eyes.

"Untie me, you wretched creature." Roman sighed.

"What? BDSM not your thing?" Remus asked. Roman rolled his eyes, as Remus untied him. "So, I bet you want an explanation."

"Duh." Roman scoffed, rubbing his wrists.

"Well, I want to help you with your problem, Ro!" Remus exclaimed. Roman rose a brow.

"What problem?" Roman asked, deciding to humor his brother.

"Why, your self worth problem, of course!" Remus exclaimed cheerily. Roman froze before regaining his composure.

"I have no idea what you mean." Roman huffed, looking away. Remus shot him a sarcastic look.

"I am literally your other half." Remus scoffed. "You know how jellyfish can split into two after being cut in half? That's you and I. You can't lie to me."

"How do you even know about that?" Roman asked, scowling.

"We're connected, Ro! Isn't that wonderful? If you're feeling a particularly strong emotion, then I can feel it too!" Remus chirped.

"Why have I never felt this before?" Roman asked.

"Well, I'm dead inside!" Remus exclaimed. "And the one who is making you feel this way will be dead outside when I get my hands on them!"

"This doesn't explain why you've transformed into me." Roman hissed. Remus giggled.

"Well, that's because I want to see how the others treat you on a daily basis! That way I can see who's making you feel so down in the dumps!" Remus bounced around the room.

"That's a stupid plan." Roman scoffed. Remus rolled his eyes.

"Think of this as your vacation! Think about a nice cruise in an ocean full of dead creatures!" Remus exclaimed. "Well, I kinda told the others I was going to brainstorm some improv ideas, got anything?"

Roman's eyes lit up as he began spitballing ideas at Remus.


Deceit was sitting outside of Remus' room. It wasn't unusual for the dark side to disappear somewhere, so he wasn't all that concerned. He knocked on the door, a bored expression on his face. "Remus? I would hate it if you opened the door."

When he received no response, he huffed. Remus was probably off in his side of the Imagination. He would probably be back by dinner.

Deceit hoped he would be back by dinner, anyhow.


This one is shorter and not that good.

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