Ch. 10

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2K! Why is this book suddenly gaining momentum???

Remus walked out of Roman's room, a grim expression on his face. He would need to start making advancements on his pursuit, and quickly.

"Princey! There you are." Remus turned toward the source, spotting Virgil standing at the top of the stairs.

"Hey there, Storm Cloud." Remus said. "What's up?"

"It's time for dinner, Patton's been calling for you." Virgil rolled his eyes.

"I was in the Imagination, I apologize." Remus smiled widely. "Shall we?"

"We shall." Virgil replied mockingly. They both started their descent down the stairs.

The urge to push Virgil down the stairs was strong, but Remus didn't pay it much mind.

Once they reached the bottom, the smell of roast beef and asparagus filled the air.

Remus found it disgusting, but he knew Roman would find it delicious.

He forced his oncoming grimace to pull into a smile. Apparently he looked like he was in pain, because Virgil was looking at him in mild concern.

They walked into the kitchen, the smell becoming increasingly stronger.

"Mm, Patt, what is that amazing smell?" Virgil asked.

"Beef!" Patton beamed, pulling it out of the oven.

"Oh...yay..." Remus cheered, fighting the urge to gag.

He hated the fact that he was the ONLY SIDE who found the scent nauseating. Frankly, Remus could eat anything, but some smells just got to him.

"Is something wrong?" Virgil asked Remus, who shook his head stiffly.

"No, I'm just thinking back to when I went to Remus' side of the Imagination." Remus said.

"Ooh, that explains your weird expression. That place is nasty as hell." Virgil shuddered.

Frankly, Remus was offended. Remus always found Roman's side weird and unnerving, not the other way around.

"Can someone go get Lo?" Patton asked.

"I'll do it." Remus said quickly and sped away.

He went up to Logan's door. It was a sleek, dark oak door. The doorknob was made of silver and not an ounce of paint was on it.

Remus knocked in the way he assumed Roman knocked. It wasn't like his brother had been paying him many visits.

When he received no response, he shrugged and invited himself inside.

Remus immediately spotted Logan asleep at his desk, a pen still in his hand.

He was about to walk go back, deciding not to disturb him, when he saw some of what Logan had been writing.

• Remus is 'missing' according to Deceit. The Duke has not been seen in the past few days, and concern is growing.

• Deceit could be lying, but that is unlikely. Deceit is known to lie, but he would never lie about the other dark sides. Which supports my belief that he no longer considers Virgil a dark side, since Deceit lied to him when he was introduced to the viewers.

• Roman has been acting off. The Prince has been acting peculiar after his quest a few days ago. He has not come to me with any injuries, so soon I will take it upon myself to do a physical examination.

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