Ch. 20

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Logan wasn't stupid.

He knew Patton was trying to dupe him, he realized it the second his embarrassment died down. So he was faced with the question of if he should pretend to be clueless to this or confront the issue head on.

He doubted Patton's intentions were malicious. He probably just wanted him to agree with him about puns or onesies or some other trivial thing Patton liked. Still, the look in his eyes when he was talking to Logan...

"Do you want me to show you what that feels like?"

Logan flushed, forcing the memory away. Patton wasn't capable of manipulation, he just wanted Logan to agree with him about puppies so he could hold it over his head.

So then the question becomes, should Logan let him and suffer the embarrassment or endure the embarrassment and win Patton's affections?

Perhaps there was an alternative solution. Maybe he could win Patton's affections by learning the definition of love beforehand!

He deflated, he didn't own a single book about that. How on earth would he find out what love was before the next video?

Logan groaned. Matters of the heart were never Logan's forte. That was always Roman.

"Roman!" Logan gasped. Roman would know the answer to his question! He raced out of his room and around the corner.

With a knock on Roman's door, he took a deep breath.


'Roman' had been acting strange, at least that's what Logan observed.

He watched as the prince focused on making two chairs for them to sit in. Logan wasn't sure why he needed such intense focus, Logan had seen Roman make a castle with a snap of his fingers. A couple of chairs should be nothing to him.

Finally, two wooden chairs appeared in front of them.

Logan thought he saw leather straps on one of them for a moment, but it vanished as if it was never there. Logan sat down in one of the chairs, watching 'Roman' closely.

"Are you okay?" Logan asked, raising a single brow.

'Roman' huffed and puffed as he nodded. "Yeah--I'm totally fine--" He collapsed in the other chair, sweating profusely. Logan thought he heard him mumble something that resembled "fuck chairs, man."

"Please give me a detailed description as to what love feels like. It is of upmost importance." Logan said, hating the way he blushed as he said that.

Remy walked out of the bathroom. "Oh, Lo-Lo, sup." Remy gave him a salute.

"What are you doing in here?" Logan asked. Remy opened his mouth to respond. He paused briefly.

"We fucked." He said after a moment. Logan expected to hear 'Roman' get extremely offended, but when he looked at the side he looked fine. In fact, he was trying (and failing) to stifle laughter.

"I...see." Logan mumbled. He turned back to 'Roman'. "Now, please define the feeling of 'love' so that I can grasp it."

"" 'Roman' mumbled. He looked behind Logan, and nodded. "Love is like a...gorilla? Oh! Sorry, I meant love is like a strong...force that...makes...your heart...beat? Beat! Really fast."

The entire time, Remy and 'Roman' seemed to have their gazes fixed on something directly behind Logan. Logan turned around, but only saw Roman's closet.

"You know what? I don't need the definition after all--" Logan quickly stood up.

"No! No no no, sit back down!" 'Roman' grabbed Logan's shoulders and shoved him back into his chair.

Logan shuffled anxiously in his chair. He calculated the probability of him winning a fight against 'Roman' if he needed to for his escape. The prince was stronger than him, faster than him. Logan's only advantage was his smarts.

If Logan can sink out fast enough without 'Roman' grabbing him and forcing him to stay there, his escape should be flawless. Of course, it was impossible to sink as fast as he needed to.

'Roman' would definitely catch him if he tried to run, Logan had the balance of a newborn giraffe. When running, that is. Logan could definitely walk in a straight line.

"Love is different for everyone." Remy suddenly piped up, breaking Logan out of his thoughts.

'Roman' nodded in agreement. "Yes! Love can make you feel good, and bad, and scared, and all sorts of things!" He looked at the closet for confirmation, and Logan didn't dare question it.

Logan frowned. So feeling bad about love was normal? Was he not a good person for questioning Patton's intentions?

"Why do you want to know anyways, Read-It-Ralph?" 'Roman' asked, a sly smirk on his lips. "Do you want to make love--" He blanched suddenly. "--ly cakes to give to your significant other?" He gave Logan a nervous smile.

Remy snorted and mumbled something that suspiciously resembled "nice save."

"...thank you." Logan chose not to address 'Roman's' odd behavior. So he was just being paranoid, huh? Patton really did love him. That's what he gathered from Remy's description.

He stood up to leave. As he opened the door, he heard Remy mumble, "Lovely cakes to give to your significant other? Really?"

He left the room, a weight lifted off his chest.


Deceit was considering giving up. There was no way Deceit could find Remus before tomorrow, he should just accept his fate.

Was that really how he wanted to go out, though? Laying down and waiting for death to come knock on his door?

He stood in front of Remus' door. He doubted he would get an answer this time, but it was better than doing nothing.

He gently knocked on the door. "Ree?" Deceit mumbled, already feeling like he could cry.

He scowled at himself. Why was he crying like some little girl? He was a grown side for crying out loud!

"Can...can you come out? Please? For me?" Deceit sat down on the floor. "I don't know what to do, Ree. I'm all alone. You left, Virgil left, Patton is going to kill me." He swallowed. "Patton is going to kill me."

He laughed somewhat hysterically as the reality of his situation finally sunk in. "Oh god--I'm going to die!" He exclaimed, laughs morphing into pathetic sobs. "Please, Remus. Please. I-I can't do this. I'll let you do whatever you want, I'll let you drag me off on one of your fucked up adventures, I'll do anything! Just come back."

"This is pathetic." Deceit jumped, eyes wide. He instantly put on his poker face.

"Patton," Deceit spat icily.

"The day's over, Deceit. You're out of time." Patton shrugged. "So, where is the Duke?"

"I--" Deceit pursed his lips. He was out of time. "I didn't find him--"

"You didn't find him." Patton echoed, shaking his head. "A shame, really. Well then, I'll be taking my leave."

"Are...are you going to kill me?" Deceit asked, trying to keep the nervousness he felt out of his voice.

Patton just smiled, before turning and leaving.


I think we might be reaching the turning point soon.

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