Ch. 12

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3K? y'all really out here--

Remus walked back to his room, rushing to see Roman again.

He had felt that familiar ache during the movie, and it resulted in him seeming distracted through the majority of it.

The others noticed his change of behavior. They either didn't comment on it, became nervous about it, or quietly took note of it. You can guess who did what.

He burst open the door to Roman's room, and spotted Roman asleep on his bed. He stared at him for a minute to see if he would begin flickering.

When no such thing occurred, Remus walked in and shut the door behind him.

He walked over to the bed, and just stared at Roman's sleeping face.

He looked tiny.

If someone told Remus that this was a strong prince who could slay dragons like it was nothing, he wouldn't believe them.

Remus decided to sleep as well, laying down next to Roman.

"What happened to us?" Remus asked no one in particular, staring up at the ceiling. "Things used to be so different."

Remus looked over to the sleeping Roman, a small frown on his face.

"I don't want to leave you again." Remus continued quietly. "Feeling sad and lonely, no one there to comfort you." He sighed, looking back up at the ceiling.

"Left with only your sad excuse for a brother to fend for you." He laughed bitterly, his eyes becoming wet. "I don't want to fail, Ro." He said, wiping at his eyes. "I don't want go back home, nothing changed. But I know that if I don't hurry my slow ass up you'll fade and then I won't know what to do."

He just sat there in silence for a moment, before sighing.

He gave Roman one last glance before turning on his side, away from Roman.

Roman's eyes fluttered open as he frowned.


Virgil had been having too many breakdowns over the creativitwins.

First, there was Roman. Stupid, arrogant, handsome Roman. He had been acting so weird when he got back from his quest, and now the prince had started flirting with him. Him? Of all sides?

But he couldn't shake the feeling that Roman was doing it "on a whim." That he didn't actually feel anything for Virgil, and Virgil was the childish one for assuming such things.

And now there was Remus. His oldest friend.

Remus had been missing for days. Virgil knew that Roman said he was in the Imagination, but he just couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right.

He felt paranoi--

Anxious. He felt anxious.

Virgil knew that Remus was probably fine, he shouldn't worry.

Then again, Virgil knew some sides who wouldn't be afraid to jump Remus--

"Nope. Nuh uh. None of that." Virgil scolded himself. "You're a light side now, you shouldn't be worrying about a dark side."

Virgil frowned. He shouldn't be worrying about a dark side.

He shouldn't be worrying about a dark side.

He shouldn't be worrying about Remus.

He shouldn't be worrying about Remus?

Virgil shook his head, getting out of his bed. Remus was bad. Bad. Virgil was good now. The others made him good.

Virgil was good. why didn't he feel like it?


Patton knocked harshly on the door.

It opened, and Patton put a bright smile on his face.


"Deceit!" Patton chirped. Deceit somehow looked worse than before, but Patton didn't comment on his appearance.

"Is there something you need?" Deceit asked, stepping outside with Patton.

"Yes! I need you to find the cockroach that is the Duke!" Patton giggled. "I can see Virgil and Roman worrying about it from a mile away!"

"I've tried, Patton." Deceit sighed. "I haven't been able to--"

"Try harder." Patton spat, his expression turning into a scowl. "How hard could it be? He literally parades around wearing bright green!"

"Oh? If it's so easy then why don't you do it?" Deceit asked, not at all phased by the sudden shift in the atmosphere.

"Why would I waste my time looking for trash?" Patton scoffed. Deceit chuckled.

"One man's trash is another man's treasure." Deceit smirked. "I sincerely hope the other's learn of your little act, Morality. And when they do, I want the front row seat to your downfall."

"Careful Deceit, haven't you heard? If you keep piling on lies, they'll come back to bite you later." Patton returned that smirk with one of his own.

"Is that a threat?" Deceit asked, raising a brow.

"Depends on what you want to believe, kiddo." Patton shrugged. "Find the Duke, or I could convince Thomas to stop lying entirely."

"Stop lying entirely? But then I would--"

"Fade? Oh, I'm well aware." Patton giggled. "Don't worry, I'll throw a lovely memorial."

"You're a demon, Morality." Deceit snapped, glowering at the shorter male.

"Perhaps," Patton shrugged, turning around to leave. "but you're a snake." He called over his shoulder.

Deceit watched him leave, a grimace present on his face.


Logan had been faced with many problems recently.

First off, there was the whole Roman incident. He was still looking into it.

Then there was the incident with Virgil and Deceit. He honestly questioned if he did the right thing when he went into his room.

Patton would say it's the right thing, so therefore it must be.

Speaking of Patton, that brings him to his third problem.

Recently, Logic had been experiencing weird things around him. His stomach would feel weird, he'd have shortness of breath, and his reasoning skills went flying out the window.

Was Logan sick? Surely that must be it.

There was no way it could be anything else, but why around Patton specifically? He felt perfectly fine around Virgil or Roman.

Patton must've done something to him. That had to be it.


I have another Sanders Sides book in my drafts but like I'm disliking the idea it now.

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