Ch. 19

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Before Remy or Roman could ask why Remus seemed so upset, a swift knock was heard at the door.

Roman immediately hid in his closest, while Remy just made himself comfortable on Roman's bed.

Remus stood up and opened the door. He was pleasantly surprised to find it was not Patton or Logan. "Virgil!" He exclaimed.

"H-Hey, Princey. Can I come in?" Virgil asked, looking around nervously. "I need to talk to you in private." Remus' mind blanked.

He was sincerely hoping this wasn't a love confession. That would be insanely awkward, considering Roman would be hearing the entire thing. 

"Uh, yeah, sure." He said after a moment. He opened the door wider to let Virgil in.

After Remus closed the door, Virgil let out a sigh. "I-I overheard something I shouldn't have!" Virgil admitted, eyes wide with terror. "And I don't know who to trust anymore, and I had nowhere else to go--!"

"Woah woah woah. Slow down, Stormcloud. What happened?" Remus asked gently. "Can I touch you?" When Virgil hesitantly nodded, he placed both of his hands on Virgil's arms. He stroked them up and down gently.

"Impressive performance." Remy commented from the bed. Virgil jumped, having not realized he was there.

"Remy!" Virgil exclaimed. "Good, you're here too!"

"Breathe, Vee. You're okay." Remus said, ignoring Remy. "Just breathe."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry...!" Virgil stammered, shaking his head. "I-I overheard Patton and Deceit talking."

Remus tensed, and Remy cursed. "Hey, calm down. You don't need to--"

"Remus--Patton said that if you and I weren't here, he would kill him!" Virgil cried, collapsing into panicked sobs. "Deceit accused Patton of wanting to kill Remus, but Patton said he couldn't because you and I would go running to Deceit...!"

Remy's expression contorted into a scowl. "That little--!"

"I-I think he might do something to him!" Virgil sobbed, gripping onto Remus' arms. "Tell me I'm being irrational, Ro! Patton would never--!"

Remus was frozen. So that's how it was, huh? Patton's hatred for him ran that deep, huh?

Remus shook his head slightly to break himself out of his stupor.

"They-They were talking about Remus. Patton was giving Deceit until tomorrow to find him." Virgil hiccuped, releasing Remus' arms and wiping the tears from his eyes. "I-I'm scared, Roman! I don't know what to do!"

"Tomorrow?" Remus mumbled. "But I said he was in the Imagination--"

"Patton said, and I quote, 'I'm not believing the Imagination shit Roman is spouting.' H-He doesn't believe you." Virgil said, beginning to calm down. "I couldn't go to Logan with this. He trusts Patton with his life and--"

"Hey, I get it." Remus said gently.

"Wh-Why are you so calm about this?! He might do something to your brother!" Virgil exclaimed, looking up at Remus with confused, tearful eyes.

"I don't think he will." Remus said, sighing. "Patton doesn't have the guts to touch Remus. As you said, we'd go running to Deceit in a heartbeat."

"Y-Yeah, you're probably right." Virgil chuckled. "You're always right."

"Of course I am! A prince is always right!" Remus gave Virgil his best prince-smirk.

Remy snorted, and a quiet groan could be heard from the closet.

"Thanks, Ro. I feel a little better." Virgil exhaled. "Still, I'm worried about Deceit. I know Patton would never touch him but..."

"I understand." Remus said. Remus realized that the only thing stopping Patton from killing him was Deceit, and that thought alone was more terrifying than he thought it would be.

"I-I should go, I promised Patton I would help him bake cookies." Virgil bit the inside of his cheek. "Even though I'd rather not see him at the moment."

"Farewell, my dark and stormy knight." Remus gave Virgil a wink. Virgil flushed, before sinking out.

The second Virgil was gone, Remus walked over to Roman's bed and face planted.

Fearing death was a strange concept for Remus. He had always faced it head on, but knowing it could happen terrified him nonetheless. He didn't want to die yet, not after he had just started making things up with Roman.

"Are you okay?" Remy asked, rubbing a soothing hand on his back. Remus a small grunt in reply.

"Ree?" Roman said gently, coming out of his hiding spot. Remus would usually make some joke about coming out of the closet but he really wasn't in the mood.

Another knock at the door caused Roman to groan and march back into the closet. Remus snorted, before standing up to see who it was.

He opened the door. "Oh, Logan, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Remus asked, putting on a suave smirk.

"I have a question." Logan mumbled, looking down at his shoes. Remus tilted his head.

"What about, Teach?" Remus asked, throwing out the old nicknames. Logan didn't choose to comment on it.

"What..." Logan began. He mumbled something incomprehensible. Remus leaned in a bit.

"Come again?" Remus asked.

"What does love feel like?" Logan asked, scowling as he flushed. Remus stiffened. "I-I thought it would be best to come to you with this question, since you're the side who represents that aspect of life." Logan continued, not noticing how tense Remus has become.

"Love?" Remus echoed, furrowing his brow. He didn't know the answer to that either, or if he did he had forgotten it. He knew Deceit loved him sure, and he lived Deceit as well. But Remus assumed Logan was talking about the romantic side of love. The side Remus would never get to experience.

"Roman?" Logan asked, gaining Remus' attention once more. "You zoned out, are you alright?"

"Let's," Remus paused, contemplating how he should handle this situation. " about this inside." Remus opened the door a little wider, and let Logan inside.


This chapter is s-h-i-t-t-y but like I don't really give a fuck.

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